Monday, December 30, 2019
Egypt, Mesopotamia, And Israel - 1418 Words
In the Ancient World, civilizations dominated parts of the world from around 3,000 BC to 30 BC. This domination was immensely helped because of the Neolithic Revolution, that happened thousands of years prior. The revolution allowed for more people to settle in one place and not follow and migrate with their prey. This began civilizations that were controlled by leadership, organization, innovative technology and mainly by geography. An example of these civilizations are Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Israel. Each of these civilizations had their own advantages, Egypt was brought fertile land from the regular floodings by the Nile River, Mesopotamia was located in the fertile crescent and Israel was in between both of these advanced†¦show more content†¦Without many of Sumer’s technology, the world back then would be far less advanced. Some of these civilizations that benefited from Sumer’s ideas was Israel because it was between both Egypt and Sumer, it adopted many of their ideas and changed some to become their own. Like a belief in the gods, yet Israelites were monotheistic unlike the two civilizations, and after seeing how both Egypt and Sumer had a language that they wrote in Israel created Hebrew. Without all of the advances in technology, the Ancient World would have less culture and beliefs than it with all of their technology. In these civilizations, there were many worshipping and sacrificial places that were in place because of their belief in the gods and the afterlife. All around the world were temples and places to pray to the gods, but the religion in these civilizations was exceptionally strong. In Egypt, the Pyramids were everlasting tombs for the dead. The Pyramids are located on the Nile and was the most north and most sacred of all the temples. The belief in the afterlife was crucial in their religion. Egyptians treated the dead better than they treated the living. While your physical life on earth was short, they thought yo ur soul could survive forever in the afterlife. These pyramids held important pharaohs and priests, that were placed in the tombs with gifts that they could take with them after they died.Show MoreRelated Exploring The Four Ancient Civilizations- Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Israel1009 Words  | 5 Pagesnumerous cultures, each unique in some ways while the same time having features in common. Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Israel are all important to the history of the world because of religious, social, political and economic development. In the first civilization, both Mesopotamia and Egypt relied on a hunter-gatherer economic system, during that time, every country in the world strived on it. Mesopotamia had rich soil for agriculture, but experiences floods. 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Not only did the Sumerians have to deal with the effects of the droughts, they had to deal with the consequences of flooding as well. The Tigris and the Euphrates surrounded Mesopotamia thus when it would overflow more devastation would occur such as the washouts of embankments. (Hause, 2001, pg. 7) Sumerians praised their gods and goddesses by building temples for them known as Ziggurats. Sumerians were constantly tryingRead MoreThe Stomach Is The Center And Origin Of Civilization905 Words  | 4 PagesCivilization†). Food played a crucial role in the rise of civilization. It spurred on the transition from a hunter and gather way of life to a sedentary and domesticated lifestyle, especially through agriculture and the development of farming. Ancient Egypt grew many of the crops used in the Old World, producing a variety of fruits, vegetables and grains to supplement their diet of fish, poultry and dairy. Specifically, their cereal plants such as wheat, barley and rye, aided in the evolution of breadRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article Grisly Assyrian Record Of Torture And Death By Erika Bleibtreu1674 Words  | 7 PagesTorture and Death†by Erika Bleibtreu gives an insight into the ways of the Assyrian military campaigns and battles. During Mesopotamian times , wars were what divided ruling periods. There were many different groups of people that dominated Ancient Mesopotamia, and the Assyrians were one of them. Assyria, a powerful ancient empire, once sprawled across the entirety of the Fertile Crescent. It encompassed land in four modern day countries: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. The Assyrians were a force to not
Sunday, December 22, 2019
What Makes A Good Villain - 1554 Words
What makes a good villain? That word is most common in comic books and movies where the antagonist brings down the protagonist, and saves the day. The word â€Å"Villain†in this day and age has a negative connotation. When it was first used, it was a neutral term. A â€Å"Villain†was actually a poor person who lived on a farm; he lived in a â€Å"villa†. When the word was borrowed into English as â€Å"Villain†it was used to refer to any lowborn rustic. The conditions in which these people lived were so horrible that they had to resort to violence and crime to make ends meet. In their own way, sometimes a villain has to do what he or she believes in, which i respect. Most often people see the villain in a bad way, but not me. I see them as a†¦show more content†¦For anyone who has read this story, it seems like Iago was the jealous type, but who can blame him? I think Iago was very important in this story, regardless whether he was jea lous or wanted revenge. For the sake of the argument, I think Iago had every right into tricking his General that his love was committing adultery, which will be discussed later in the paper. This story was one of my favorite ones out of all the Shakespeare one’s we read in class, simply because not only was it a daunting read, but because what I realized what it truly was and it amazed me. Iago wanted revenge over his general because he felt jealous and was not appreciated for all the work he has done. By the end of Act 1, we find out that the reason Iago wanted to manipulate Othello into killing his wife, Desdimona, was because he was angry with him for not giving him the rank of Lieutenant, and giving it to the inexperienced Cassio, instead. And a sudden rumor came upon him that he was also sleeping with his wife, Emilia. His plot was simple: he tells Emilia to take the handkerchief while telling Othello that he had found in the bedroom of Cassio, which puts him in a jealous rage into thinking that his wife is cheating on him with Cassio. Now, it is wrong to try to spread gossip about your friends, you do not bite the hand that feeds you, but in this case Iago bit the hand that fed him. Even though he was not promoted to
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Progression of music Free Essays
string(183) " is written by Reynolds with belief that the progression of music is now non existent and modern music of the popular culture is based upon regurgitation of past trends/ideas/styles\." In this literature review we will be looking at reading based around the idea of progression within music. Comparisons between different pieces of text regarding the current position of music, and If possible, the future of music and how it can progress. The main books in discussion will consist of, â€Å"Simon Reynolds:Retaining†, â€Å"David Gauntlet:Making Is Connecting†, Tall:The Political Economy of Music. We will write a custom essay sample on Progression of music or any similar topic only for you Order Now A lot of the quotes that will be in discussion will revolve around the theme of â€Å"post repetition†. This Is a theory regarding the structure or stage of current music, an Idea Tall briefly discusses In context with three other previous stages he believes to have occurred. This also explains the choice to discuss â€Å"Retaining†, the themes from this book tie in with the concept of repetition and revolves around firm beliefs that current music, and also society are trapped in the past. However â€Å"Making is connecting†takes a more subjective role in the discussion as it is primarily based around the individual creator in the sense of their feeling and creativity, and does not so much Involve the influence of any capitalist ideas. We will first draw some theories from Tails. Draws up the comparison of Music running alongside society, and at points beyond. In short, Tall draws the comparison in which music runs along side social order and how the mindset of society, at any given time, is reflected onto the art of music. Not Just in the literal sense as would be applied to such era’s as Punk, but in the progression of music over time. â€Å"its styles and economic organization are ahead of the rest of society because it explores, much faster than material reality can, the entire range of capabilities in a given code. (Tails,1977) Here Tall is referring to music as a sped up representation of society at any given time. This is why his current claim on post repetition is interesting as any other stage or progression in music, according to Tails, could replicate that of societies in the future. The question regarding this is whether it is possible for music or society, to considerably progress onto what cou ld be seen as another stage of progression. If the idea of post-repeating is feasible, then it could be seen that society, let alone music, are currently trapped in a repeating existence that isn’t regressing, only expanding. However for the time being it is more important to look back if there is any chance of looking forward. This is where Italy’s four stages of music form in â€Å"Political Economy of Music†, and during the last stage, the idea of post repeating is bought about. â€Å"Sacrifice†refers to the point in musical history where no sound was recorded, written, and the art of music was completely detached from anything physical. It was simply Just an oral process. Music was simply a way of transferring current cultural and social feelings from one person to another. â€Å"Representing†This term refers to the first printed music, 1500-1900 AD. Printed music was the first form of music that was seen as a commodity, it could be seen as the first time any form of technology had an influence upon human emotion. Tall refers to this period as Representation because the performer would have to represent and play the music that was printed for an audience. â€Å"Repeating†The term repeating refers to the time period of around 1900 to the present. The term is applied by Tall to any recorded sound of broadcasted sound which was made possible by technological advancements. Even though this meant music as an industry could really excel and prophet, the first mindset of music being a commodity was established the moment it could be written and performed. However, according to Tails, the stage of repeating completely took over and made the ideas behind representation, now irrelevant. â€Å"The advent of recording thoroughly shattered representation. First produced as a way of preserving its trace, it instead replaced it as the driving force of becomes a simulacrum of the record: an audience generally familiar with the artist’s recordings attends to hear a live replication†¦ For popular music, this as meant the gradual death of small bands, who have been reduced to faithful imitations of recording stars. For the classical repertory, it means the danger†¦ Of imposing all of the aesthetic criteria of repetition?made of rigor and cold calculation?upon representation. †(Tails,1977) â€Å"Post Repetition†The term post repetition was a term Tall briefly refers to as the next state from Repeating, this is also backed up by Italy’s Chapter on Composing and how this new process is not undertaken for exchange or use value. Even though Italy’s theories, as well as many other philosophers surrounding he subject, can be seen ambitious and at some times overly vague, this idea of a post repetition makes sense and would revolve around society at this moment and how we are progressing. This is why it is of interest as to whether music can genuinely progress, or whether we are infinitely trapped within a post era where Italy’s terms of exchange time and use time, are becoming ever more irrelevant. Tall labels â€Å"Exchange-Time†as the time one would spend earning the spend listening to the bought item. The ideas of exchange time and use time, are now seen as words which don’t bear relevance to a vast amount of current music. With the massive surge of the internet and accessibility, the value of music has morphed, and also the intentions of the people making it. This new activity is NOT undertaken for its exchange or use value. It is undertaken solely for the pleasure of the person who does it (its â€Å"producer†). Such activity involves a radical rejection of the specialized roles (composer, performer, audience) that dominated all previous music. Data†, 1977) We will now relate this to and investigate current musical practice and the mindset of the â€Å"Producer†. Simon Reynolds book â€Å"Retaining†, and â€Å"Making is connecting†by David Gauntlet both investigate these ideas. Retaining is written by Reynolds with belief that the progression of music is now non existent and modern music of the popular culture is based upon regurgitation of past trends/ideas/styles. You read "Progression of music" in category "Papers" We live in a society that is obsessed with it’s own past, instead of moving into a new future. Reynolds does also include mostly all aspects of daily life into his theories and how our society is looking back instead of looking forward. Artifacts of its immediate past, but there has never before been a society that is able to access the immediate past so easily and so copiously. (Reynolds, 2011) Here we see Reynolds referring to the society we are currently surrounded by, as one â€Å"obsessed†with it’s own past. He also gives appreciation to the fact that we live in a world where modern phenomenon’s, such as the internet and media , give society the power to access the immediate past so easily and freely. This is key to part of the reasoning as to why Reynolds believes as a whole that we are living in a â€Å"Retraining†, a world that is looking backwards instead of forwards. It is a pretty indisputable fact, that due to the surge of technology and the lily advantages in our life, we have access to the things we never would have had before. However Reynolds follows up on this point, putting the obsession of the past, into the reasoning that it is because we are nostalgic and almost envious of it. Is nostalgia stopping our culture’s ability to surge forward, or are we nostalgic precisely because our culture has stopped moving forward and so we inevitably look back to more momentous and dynamic times? †(Reynolds, 2011) stopped moving forward in general, whether or not he is finding reason through nostalgia. A lot of Reynolds beliefs come through in forms of musical practice’s such s sampling, covering artists, anniversary concerts, greatest hits albums, gener ally repetitive process’. We live in a pop age gone loco for retro and crazy commemoration†(Reynolds,2011) â€Å"Could it be that the greatest danger to the future of music culture is it’s past†. (Reynolds, 2011) These are quotes from the very first page of the introduction and sum up his beliefs straight away. He goes as far to say that the end of pop culture will not come with one big bang, but it is through a gradual process which we are already living in. â€Å"This is the way that pop ends, not with a BANG but with a box set whose Ruth disc you never get around to playing†. Reynolds, 2011) He then, shortly after, puts the reasoning upon the producer; â€Å"The very people you would’ve once expected to produce (as artists) or champion (as consumers) the non-traditional and the groundbreaking – that’s â€Å"The avian-grade is now an air ©re-grade. †(Reynolds, 2011) These quotes are portraying the â€Å"modern pro ducer†as the fundamental reason as to why music isn’t progressing. This, to Reynolds, could be seen as an environmental issue due to the fact our society is constantly exploring the past and repeating itself. He described the process of the modern producer as airier-grade†meaning it is the producer themselves who are trapped in the past. However, as previously mentioned, a lot of the reasoning as to why we may be living in a culture where we are looking back, is due to the fact we can. Technology and the way we have advanced as a culture has enabled us to store huge amounts of digital artifacts through mediums such as; ‘pods, computers, phones, sound-systems, cad’s, records, the internet. We can also experience music and media in ways like never before; stereo 5:1, 3-D image/sound, and not to mention all the ways in which to do so prior to these. To Reynolds, the abilities to store and look back, are what we have become victim to. â€Å"We’ve become victims of our ever-increasing capacity to store, organism, instantly access, and share vast amounts of cultural data. Not only has there immediate past, but there has never before been a society that is able to access the past so easily and so copiously. Reynolds, 2011) This quote is mainly focused on the fact we are able to easily access, store, share data like never before. However Reynolds does use the phrase, â€Å"we’ve become†, this could suggest that our access to all this data as only become a robber of recent time. Reynolds never seems to really pick at the upraise of vinyl, tape, or the initial upraise of cad’s. The start of the sass’s is when he believes our modern culture an d popular music industry lost all forward thinking and started seeking past ideas and past trends. Instead of being the threshold to the future, the first ten years of the twenty-first century turned out to be the ‘Re’ Decade. †(Reynolds, 2011) Here this quote describes the start of the sass’s, as being the start of a retro decade instead of being the start of new original ideas. Perhaps the first time popular culture fully shifted it’s attention to the past. This brings up the question as to whether technological advancements such as Amp’s, I Pods and the mass growth of file-sharing are the reason as to why we are so sentimental and look back for inspiration in modern music practice. Or is it more to do with the â€Å"producer†, rather than the ways of consumption. Has the person creating and making the material lost the will to look forward If Italy’s point of music’s â€Å"styles and economic organization†, being â€Å"ahead†of the rest of society then then what would be the outcome of the sass’s â€Å"Re-decade†as Reynolds dubbed it? Could that be the point our society has truly reached a form of creative standardization. Where new ideas and creative instinct is solely based upon repetition of past ideas. This could be what Tall would’ve been suggesting through the idea of â€Å"Post Repetition†. There is no forward movement in the progression of music as an art anymore, only the ways in which we experience it. However back to the point of the producer, â€Å"Making is connecting†, written by David Gauntlet investigates the process of creativity and can be related to how this has an effect on current musical practices and the position of popular culture on modern music and inevitably the question of progression. Making is connecting†is fundamentally about how people make things to engage with the world around them, and build connections with others through this process. Gauntlet believes that due to the benefits of popular culture in terms of the internet, file sharing, and platforms that enable people to share their creative work, we are seeing a shift in mentality. Gauntlet describes this as a shift from a’ â€Å"Sit back and be told culture†, to a â€Å"making and doing culture†. (Gauntlet 2009) How to cite Progression of music, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Corporate Strategies of CSL
Question: Discuss about the Corporate Strategies of CSL. Answer: Introduction CSL is a worldwide recognized biotherapeutics organisation which significantly delivers as well as develops the pioneering biotherapies which aid in live saving and also help the individuals with the serious medical illness live full lives. There are around 30 overseas nations where the company has made a renowned presence with its efficient operations and approximately 17,000 employees (CSL, 2017). The primary area of business are the US, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany and Australia. Development and growth of CSL through the application of corporate strategies CSL works globally with a vision to have its primary focus on five major elements including customer focus, innovation, integrity, collaboration and superior performance. The company works with a mission statement to address the needs of maximum number of the individuals suffering from serious and threatening medical illness. By the means of its innovative therapies it mission is to save thousands of lives (CSL, 2017). The core competencies are the one because of which CSL has gained such a renowned brand recognition and worldwide presence. Its core competencies comprises of extensive capacity of research and development which offers innovativeness to the company, honest and ethical activities, high level of collaboration which provided strength to the company to undertake major projects, and the best quality of services. With these core competencies, the company is expanding globally with a rapid rate (CSL Behring, 2017). Successful strategies deployed in the past There are several corporate strategies which the company has taken use of and implemented in the organisation for achieving continuous success and growth. Following are the few strategies which CSL has incorporated for achieving huge success. Emergent Strategies Research and development Partnerships: the company has made huge investments in the research and capital department for the development of the new and innovative products. There has been made several partnerships with various numerous academic institutions for supporting the pioneering research programs. Thus, this strategy helped CSL in developing new and innovative product (CSL, 2015). Growth Strategies Global expansion: CSL have already expanded in business in almost 30 nations. Expanding sales and products offerings in these overseas regions is one of the growth strategies of the company to increase its glob al reach, customer base and sales. Current strategies of CSL Following are the current strategies which the company is taking sued of for having increased market share and greater revenues with high markets sustainability. Strategic Partnership Tying partnership knots with large hospitals: It is the current strategy of the company to have further growth i.e. ton to have partnerships with large and big hospitals where the medicines of CSL can directly be served to the patients and thus expanding the use of CSL drugs in major hospitals. Growth Strategies Expansion: Being a successful past strategy, the expansion strategy is also one of the current growth strategies of the organisation. CSL is also planning to expand its business operations in many of the untapped and new regions in the overseas countries. Thus, it can have huge brand recognition and growth by having expansion in other countries (Greenblat, 2010). Ethical and Sustainable Approach By having past history of indulging several unethical practices, the company now have a strategic move to work on high ethical standards and sustainability approach so that there can be improved support from the Government as well as from the legal authorities so that theere can be maintained the smooth functioning of the companys business practices (Stetson, 2017). Business practices of CSL and their criticism Criticism 1: Criticism by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of US about objectionable practices and conditions and high level of manufacturing flaws in vaccines manufacturing Business practice: the manufacturing operations of CSL were found to be unethical and inappropriate. The vaccines manufactured by the company were criticized because of the high level of manufacturing flaws in them. It was also revealed that the workers even do not wore masks at the time of manufacturing of these vaccines. There were also conducted deficient checks and investigations which revealed that there are issues and problems in some of the processes which the organisation is not concerning upon. The company was also criticised by FDA for the no adequate evaluation of the testing conducted for the raw material. The company take use of the raw material without any proper analysis (Hall, 2011). Its Outcome: the outcome of this unethical business practice and the criticism faced by the company was that there was conducted strict scrutiny of the manufacturing processes and the raw material of CSL. The FDA issued a warning letter against the organisation by raising severe concerns regarding the manufacturing processes. And also warns CSL that if these issues are not fixed then the authority will withdraw the license from the company of selling the products in the US markets. Criticism 2: Criticized for artificially hiking the prices of plasma-derivative protein therapies Business practice: there was an unethical business practice in which CSL deliberately involved. The scam was related to the price-fixing of the plasma-derivative protein therapies. There was involvement of CSL Plasma Inc., CSL Behring LLC and CSL Limited in the scandal. The company unethically and secretly fixed the prices of the blood plasma derivatives immunoglobin and albumin for raising the prices of some of the particular therapies (247LawsuitNews, 2017). Its Outcome: The outcome of this scandal and unethical business practice was that a Blood Plasma Antitrust Suit was filed against the CSL. The company paid $64 million to resolve the issue and to escape from the consequences of this scandal. The organisation also ruined it brand image as well as there was huge criticism from the customers, Government, law regulating bodies, industry as well as the stakeholders (Broady, 2017). SWOT Analysis of CSL Following is the SWOT analysis of CSL which provides in-depth analysis of the companys strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The analysis will help the organisation in understanding its weak points where it needs to work, its strengths of which it can use to grow, the relevant opportunities to help in planning business expansion and the relative threats for making appropriate plans for contingencies and future moves. Strengths The industry of biotechnology is booming with a rapid rate across the globe and CSL is one of the most renowned and recognized brand in this industry and specifically in Australia. The Research and Development department of the company is highly efficient and have enough capacity to have continuous innovations in the operations of the business. Possessing a vigorous RD capacity offers numerous competitive advantages to the company (CSL, 2017). The operations of CSL are extended in the niche segments of genetics, anti-venom, vaccines, etc. this offer extensive market reach to the company and provide strength of extended customer base. There are some of the products which are the core strengths of the company such as cell culture reagents, anti-venom, vaccines and blood plasma derivatives. These products have a strong market share which offers great revenues to the company and strengthen its market share (Researchandmarkets, 2017). Weaknesses The biggest weakness of the company is the diseconomies to scale which is due to the improper management of the large workforce which results in increasing outputs and increasing marginal costs. There are several ethical issues in which the company has indulged. Because of all those issues, the brand image of CSL has been deteriorated and this is one of the weaknesses for its future sustainability and brand reliability. Three is required huge capital investments for the development of every new innovation or technology as a huge amount of research is to be conduct for the creation of the new products (CSL, 2016). Opportunities There are opportunities available for the company related to have increased awareness regarding the usage of enzymes, stem cells, etc. The company has an opportunity to expand its operations in these areas. There can also be done integration of the technologies i.e. to have integration of biotechnology with the nanotechnology and the innovative technologies present in the market. The integration of these technologies will result in development of next generation and pioneering medicines and other medical products. The company also has an opportunity of tying up with numerous big and large hospitals and encourage the use of its products and stem cells (CSL, 2017). Expansion in various other untapped overseas nations and also domestic regions. Threats The biggest threat to CSL is of the government laws and regulations which are extremely strict and restrict all kind of unethical work and production of the drugs or medicines. There is an essential requirement of skilled and competent labour who can handle the biotechnology realigned aspects and operations. The insufficient amount of labour restricts the effective business functioning (CSL Limited, 2017). There are several other biotech organizations who have already initiated the off shoring some if their business operations. One major example of this is the starting up of operations in China of the absolute volume of the medical chemistry contract work. Organisational culture or leadership style of CSL CSL has a strong and vigorous organisational culture which supports the business function and the mission and vision statement of the company. The organisational culture of CSL comprises of the five core values which guides the working of the company. The first core value is customer focus, the company is highly committed to its customers i.e. the patients which requirement medications. The company make efforts to offer the most required medicines to the individuals and improve their lives. To improve the customer focus, the company also conducts education al programmes, support and sponsor the patient programs and also invest high in medical research. The second core value is innovation; CSL invests a lot in its research and development, this result in development of innovative medicines, vaccines and other innovative biotherapies. The next core value is integrity; the company remains committed to the legacy of helping and providing services to the patients who are primarily depends upon the products of CSL for their lives. The company try to maintain high ethical standards in its operations. Another value of CSL is collaboration; the organisation collaborates with the home healthcare organisations, pharmacists, nurses, physicians, investigators, plasma donors and patient groups. There is collaboration with all these individuals for achieving improved results. The fifth and the last core value of CSL is superior performance; the company is highly performance-driven as well as customer-focused (CSL Behring, 2017). The organisation works in such an environment which encourages innovation and strives hard to serve the best possible products to the individuals. Paul Perreault, the CEO of CSL is one of the leaders of the company who have supported the success and growth of the organisation in numerous ways. From motivating the employees to planning the strategies, in every aspect, Paul has sustained the development of CSL. Paul has its major contribution in the improvement of the organisational culture by linking the core values with all the operational functions. Paul works and follows the patient-centric leadership where the needs of the patients are the key priority of the organisation and the individuals working for the organisation (CSL Behring, 2016). Paul always tries to maintain an organisational culture which supports the fulfilment of the patients requirements with utmost quality and high standards products and services References 247LawsuitNews, 2017. Plasma-Derivative Protein Therapies Antitrust Litigation. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: Ashley Hall, 2011. CSL to address drug manufacturing concerns. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: CSL Behring, 2017. CSL CEO Paul Perreault Focuses on Patient-Centric Leadership in Pharma. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: CSL Behring, 2017. Vision Values. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: CSL Behring, 2017. Vision Values. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: CSL Limited, 2017. Company Description. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: CSL, 2015. CSL Annual Report 2014-15. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: CSL, 2016. CSL Annual Report 2015-2016. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from:,0.pdf CSL, 2017. About CSL. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: CSL, 2017. Innovation. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: CSL, 2017. Investment in RD. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: CSL, 2017. Our Centenary - Celebrating 100 years. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: Gavin Broady, 2017. CSL To Pay $64M To Escape Blood Plasma Antitrust Suit. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: Greenblat, E. 2010. CSL injects expansion plans into its strategy. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: Researchandmarkets, 2017. CSL Limited (CSL) - Financial and Strategic SWOT Analysis Review. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from: Stetson, 2017. CSL 501 Evaluation and Assessment. Accessed on: 9th May, 2017. Accessed from:
Friday, November 29, 2019
Plato Essays (675 words) - Socratic Dialogues, Philosophy Of Love
Plato Plato How do we know if love is a god or just a little baby we call cupid that flies around during Valentines? Plato's Symposium is a piece of work that is dedicated to Eros the god of love. I choose to disuse Agathon's and Socrates's speeches because they are both similar in subject, but opposite in opinion. Socrates's ideas on Eros, identify him as a spirit in-between beauty and good. He is also in-between love and knowledge. In Socrates's form of Eros, Eros is not seen as a god who is contrary to Agathon's speech. I defend Socrates because his ideas are thought out and argued in Symposium. Socortes's speech starts out with a wise women named Diotima. She tells him how Eros came to be, she states that Eros was conceived on Aphdites birthday ?that's why he is also by nature a lover of beauty, because Aphrodite herself is especially beautiful? (203C). Socrates added to this by saying since knowledge is beautiful and he is a lover of beauty he also is a philospilla. Eros then desire's and seeks knowledge just as all human beings do. Finally since he seeks similar wants and needs as humans do, he is not a god but in-between the heavens and the earth as Socrates puts it he is a ?great spirit? (202E). Agathon view of Eros is completely different, he focus on his dominance as a god. He states that Eros is the youngest god, he points this out by saying there was Gavaldon 2 war with the gods but it ceased when Eros was present. Agathon than says that he has a hold on the gods because they themselves are in love. Since he is so supreme he is the creator of everything fair and good on earth. If Eros is both young and beautiful, he also has a hold on other gods from the effects of love. Agathon concludes Eros is the creator of everything good and fair. Thus Agathon states that Eros is the King of the Gods. Socrates and Agathon speeches come up with the extreme conclusion that the two give an in-depth look on the intentions and the roles Eros plays in our world. While Agthon says that Eros is beauty, Socrates goes the opposite way stating, Eros is only the lover of beauty, therefore he is not beautiful, because if you have someone who is beautiful he doesn't seek beauty. Socrates uses knowledge and refers it to humans and gives the statement that Eros requires knowledge as well as beauty just as mortals do. They try to prove that Eros is in-between immortality and moral, though Agothon boasts that Eros in fact is the supreme ruler of the gods, presuming god is in fact immortal. These two men Agathon and Socrates' in the dialogues of Symposium have strong arguments, yet I find that I agree with Socrates rather than Agathon's happy go lucky world of bliss. Socrates premises are straightforward. He gives you surrounding information-disproving Agathon as he goes in the dialogue. As Socrates explains one idea as he leads into the other and intertwines them to a Gavaldon 3 conclusion. Yet, Agathon seems set on a easy explanation of Eros. As he goes along his speech he gives reasons on why Eros is the god but only to keep referring on the fact that Eros is beautiful and young. I defend Socrates' because he gave a better description as well as step by step of Agathon speech in Symposium. Agathon's speech to me seemed he was caught up it enchantism rather than giving an argument and concluding it as Socrates did in his speech. Socrates speech was well spoken because he had all the elements for a good speech. First he gave the impression that another person was responsible for the words that he spoke. Then he told us the origin of Eros, and then proceeded to fill in the rest that Agathon has left out in his speech of the god of love. Philosophy Essays
Monday, November 25, 2019
Favorite Quotes From Faulkners As I Lay Dying
Favorite Quotes From Faulkners As I Lay Dying As I Lay Dying is the fictional chronicle of Addie Bundrens death. The family undertakes a journey to bury her body. The novel is narrated with the shifting viewpoints of 15 characters- made all the more vivid with Faulkners use of the vernacular and stream-of-consciousness style. Here are a few quotes from As I Lay Dying. Riches is nothing in the face of the Lord, for He can see into the heart.The quilt is drawn up to her chin, hot as it is, with only her two hands and her face outside. She is propped on the pillow, with her head raised so she can see out the window, and we can hear him every time he takes up the adze or the saw. If we were deaf we could almost watch her face and hear him, see him. Her face is wasted away so that the bones draw just under the skin in white lines. Her eyes are like two candles when you watch them gutter down into the sockets of iron candlesticks. But the eternal and the everlasting salvation and grace is not upon her.I know her. Wagon or no wagon, she wouldnt wait. Then shed be upset, and I wouldnt upset her for the living world. With that family burying-ground in Jefferson and them of her blood waiting for her there, shell be impatient. I promised my word me and the boys would get her there quick as mules could walk it, so she could rest quiet.I have heard men cuss th eir luck, and right, for they were sinful men. But I do not say its a curse on me, because I have done no wrong to be cussed by. I am not religious, I reckon. But peace is my heart: I know it is. I have done things but neither better nor worse than them that pretend otherlike, and I know that Old Marster will care for me as for ere a sparrow that falls. But is seems hard that a man in his need could be so flouted by a road. I knew that nobody but a luckless man could ever need a doctor in the face of a cyclone.Its because Im alone. If I could just feel it, it would be different, because I would not be alone. But if I were not alone, everybody would know it. And he could do so much for me, and then I would not be alone. Then I could be all right alone.I reckon if theres ere a man or woman anywhere that He could turn it all over to and go away with His mind at rest, it would be Cora. And I reckon she would make a few changes, no matter how He was running it. And I reckon they would be for mans good. Leastways, we would have to like them. Leastways, we might as well go on and make like we did.The wagon moves; the mules ears begin to bob. Behind us, above the house, motionless in tall and soaring circles, they diminish and disappear.We go on, with a motion so soporific, so dreamlike as to be uninferant of progress, as though time and not space were decreasing between us and it.I heard that my mother is dead . I wish I had time to let her die. I wish I had time to wish I had. It is because the wild and outraged earth too soon too soon too soon. She cried hard, maybe because she had to cry so quiet; maybe because she felt the same way about tears she did about deceit, hating herself for doing it, hating him because she had to. And then I knew that I knew. I knew that as plain on that day as I knew about Dewey Dell on that day.It is as though the space between us were time: an irrevocable quality. It is as though time, no longer running straight before us in a diminishing line, now runs parallel between us like a looping string, the distance being the doubling accretion of the thread an not the interval between.Because it is not us that can judge our sins or know what is sin in the Lords eyes. She has had a hard life, but so does every woman. But youd think from the way she talked that she knew more about sin and salvation than the Lord God Himself, than them who have strove and labored with the sin in this human world.While I waited for him in the woods, waiting for him before he saw me, I would think of him as dressed in si n. I would think of him as thinking of me as dressed also in sin, he the more beautiful since the garment which he had exchanged for sin was sanctified. I would think of the sin as garments which we would remove in order to shape and coerce the terrible blood to the forlorn echo o the dead word high in the air. Then I would lay with Anse again - I did not lie to him: I just refused, just as I refused my breast to Cash and Darl after their time was uphearing the dark land talking the voiceless speech. I give that money. I thought that if I could do without eating, my sons could do without riding. God knows I did.It had been dead eight days, Albert said. They came from some place in Yoknapatawpha County, trying to get to Jefferson with it. It must have been like a piece of rotten cheese coming into an anti-hill, in that ramshackle wagon that Albert said folks were scared would fall all to pieces before they could get it out of town, with that home-made box and another fellow with a broken leg lying on a quilt on top of it, and the father and a little boy sitting on the seat and the marshal trying to make them get out of town.Jewel came back. He was walking. Jewel hasnt got a horse anymore. Jewel is my brother. Cash is my brother. Cash has a broken leg. We fixed Cashs leg so it doesnt hurt. Cash is my brother. Jewel is my brother too, but he hasnt got a broken leg.When I went to find where they stay at night, I saw something that Dewey Dell says I mustnt never tell nobody. Life was created in the valleys. It blew up into the hills on the old terrors, the old lusts, the old despairs. Thats why you must walk up the hills so you can ride down.Sometimes I aint so sho whos got ere a right to say when a man is crazy and when he aint. Sometimes I think it aint none of us pure crazy and aint none of us pure sane until the balance of us talks him that-a-way. Its like it aint so much what a fellow does, but its the way the majority of folks is looking at him when he does it.She looked pretty good. One of them black eyed ones that look like shed as soon put a knife in you as not if you two-timed her. She looked pretty good.Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes.Its Cash and Jewel and Vardaman and Dewey Dell, pa says, kind of hangdog and proud too, with his teeth and all, even if he wouldnt look at us. Meet Mrs Bundren, he says.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Internet forum should be more strictly controlled for the entries Essay
Internet forum should be more strictly controlled for the entries because internet forum can encourage harmful and misleading news - Essay Example Therefore, there is need to control the internet forums by imposing strict regulations on its usage. However, controlling the internet forum may attract criticism as people may feel that this is one of the laws limiting the public freedom, which the constitution grants. In reality, Internet forum should be more strictly controlled for the entries because internet forum can encourage harmful and misleading news. Internet forums refer to any forms of internet channels that are responsible for providing information to the access of the public. They may include any official internet news sites or even social networks that provide information to the public. The issue of controlling the internet forums is a concept that has for long drawn attention from many scholars. Controlling internet forums refers to the imposition of strict measures against its abuse in providing information. In the era of internet technology, many internet forums have emerged, making it entirely a big challenge to control the information that is relayed through these channels. While there is evidence that these forums are informative, it is clear that they can be used to relay raw information that may be untruthful, hurtful or even misleading. Misleading information refers to any material facts that may influence negatively the reaction of the people or even bring about a controversy. However, several policies have been p ut into place as a control mechanism for internet use. For instance, â€Å"regulations would force Internet companies to apply for a license if theyre running a microblog or forum†(Shalvey 1). Due to the sensitivity of information, it is crucial that every information that is relayed through these channels be reliable and truthful. Misleading information may have far reaching effects to the receiver or even to the world. In many occasion, the news items report different information, putting people in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Media appraisal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Media appraisal - Essay Example By combing these methods the author has an original approach to her research and this makes it very interesting to criticise. The paper shows how the role of popular music in society has been studied traditionally and challenges some classical methodologies while also proposing new ones. It is the combination of these points which makes this article good to study in terms of research methodology analysis. The study is of popular music in the lives of young people. It positions itself with cultural and social studies. Its aim is to approach the study of the role of popular music in a slightly different way from other researchers on this subject. Initially the author states that few studies work directly with the people who use and consumer music. The study therefore aims to change this by asking people directly what their experience of music is, instead of making theories that do not in interact with reality. The author emphasises the need to concentrate on the real experiences which people have, or say they have, in relation to music. Related to this is the aim to explore what the author refers to as the ‘everydayness’ of music. Rather than focusing on the cultural significance of music through issues such as identity construction, the paper aims to explore the possibility that these issues of music consumption are in fact less important than the more mundane and routine uses of music in everyday life, as a background noise whose meanings are irrelevant. She focuses on the ‘fallacy of meaningfulness’, arguing that music doesn’t necessarily have to be significant or used to define a particular group or consumed by a particular ethnic group or social class. The methodology used by the author involves the use of unstructured informal discussions with three groups of GCSE sociology students, around fifteen years old. Three groups of four to five students were involved in one discussion, all on the same day. There were fewer boys than girls in all
Monday, November 18, 2019
CSR for business managers, stakeholders and society Research Paper
CSR for business managers, stakeholders and society - Research Paper Example Therefore it is the duty of the companies to work in accordance with the interests of the community and environment. However, only few companies are strictly observing CSR in practice, even though most of the companies agree with CSR in principle. This paper analyses the reputation of Coca Cola in terms of corporate social responsibility. Description of the company Operating in more than 200 countries worldwide, the American company Coca cola is one among the largest soft drink manufacturers in the world at present. â€Å"In May, 1886, Coca Cola was invented by Doctor John Pemberton a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia. Today, products of the Coca Cola Company are consumed at the rate of more than one billion drinks per day†(Bellis). Even though PepsiCo is causing some serious challenges to Coca Cola in some part of the world, Coca Cola is able to maintain its superiority in most of the regions in the world. Issue Identification According to Jeff Seabright, The Coca-Cola Compan y's vice president of environment and water resources, â€Å"sustainability begins with the simple act of paying attention. You can't manage what you can't measure"(Making Sustainability the Real Thing). In other words, Coca Cola is well aware of the importance of concepts such as corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. However, the accusations against Coca Cola with respect to the violation of social responsibility are growing across the world. ... People from Kerala (India’s southernmost state) have recently conducted an agitation against the underwater exploitation by Coca Cola. Villagers near Plachimada, Kerala faced severe drinking water shortage because of Coca Cola’s uncontrolled underwater exploitation. Coca Cola forced to close down their plant at Plachimada because of the public agitation against them (EMJ). Significance of the Issue Drinking water shortage is one of the major problems facing by people all over the world. Because of injudicious farming activities and heavy industrialization, majority of the water resources such as rivers and streams were polluted in most parts of the world. As a result of that current generation is relying heavily on underwater resources for their drinking needs. Coca Cola like soft drink manufacturers is exploiting these resources and the people near the soft drink bottling plants are struggling to get enough drinking water from the nature. Stakeholder identification Som e of the major stakeholders of Coca Cola Company are; ordinary people, Coca Cola employees, shareholders in Coca Cola, government and local bodies. On one side, Coca Cola is trying to make profit and safeguard the interests of the company management and the shareholders. On the other side, ordinary people lose their drinking water resources and the government and local bodies struggle to take proper actions. It should be noted that as part of free trade agreements, it is the duty of the government of India to prepare enough facilities to Coca Cola like companies. Moreover, Indian government is currently trying to attract foreign direct investment at any cost to stimulate economic growth. The investments by Coca Cola would definitely help
Saturday, November 16, 2019
PhD Proposal Writing | Contributing to knowledge
PhD Proposal Writing | Contributing to knowledge To define an original contribution to knowledge in the context of PhD studies is complicated. In one sense, it can be seen as something which someone else has not done before and requires a large amount of innovation and commitment from the researcher. Gall et al. (1996:47) noted that the imagination and insight that goes into defining the research problem usually determines the ultimate value of a research study more than any other factor. This definition however may be construed as too broad and can be complimented by the reasoning given by Grix (2001) who says that a substantial contribution to knowledge means you must have produced original research on a given topic and embedded it firmly in the received wisdom of a particular field To pin point a definition for an original contribution to knowledge is difficult. However, Madsen (1983:25) offers the following as a possible start: Original means the potential to do at least one of the following: uncover new facts or principles, suggest relationships that were previously unrecognized, challenge existing truths or assumptions, afford new insights into little-understood phenomena, or suggest new interpretations of known facts that can alter mans perception of the world around him. It is widely agreed within academic fields that a contribution to knowledge may be achieved through a number of ways. Frances (1976) pinpoints eight ways in which originality can be achieved. However, Estelle and Derek (2010) only concur with six of these points which are as follows: Setting down a major piece of new information in writing for the first time; Continuing a previously original piece of work; Carrying out original work designed by the supervisor; Providing a single original technique, observation, or result in an otherwise unoriginal but competent piece of research; Having many original ideas, methods, and interpretations all performed by others under the direction of the postgraduate; Showing originality in testing somebody elses ideas. Fundamentally, an original contribution to knowledge can be seen as an ambiguous statement or process as it can be interpreted by different people in a variety of ways. Dunleavy (2003) expresses concerns regarding overstating the originality of the research and emphasises the need to balance innovation against the subject context. He goes on to suggest that the best way to proceed in research is to think of the contribution as value-added. He clarifies this by saying, Focusing on your own value added means keeping a critical eye on the extent to which you have transformed or enhanced or differentiated the starting materials of your analysis. He also goes on to say that, It also means retaining strong relational patterns of argument in which you appropriately acknowledge the extent to which you draw on the existing literature. The importance of reading literature in the chosen area of research cannot be over emphasised. Without this fundamental grounding of knowledge, a serious student cannot begin to propose an original contribution to knowledge. Without having a working understanding of the literature in their field, it is made more difficult for students to refine a researchable topic and then subsequently contribute original knowledge. Knowledge of the field is critical and includes knowing what has already been done, what the current hot topics are and projected issues and trends. Ultimately, researchers need to understand what has already been accomplished before attempting to add their own contribution to the field. Consideration must be given to any personal relevancy the proposed topic holds for the student and what area of their study would represent the biggest contributions of their work. When researching the literature, it is important to keep in mind such questions as: Is there any controversy or inconsistencies in the research or data? Does a deficiency appear in the literature on a particular topic? From a historical perspective, how has the field arrived at its present level of understanding the phenomenon that is being pursued? Broader topics are probably more helpful because the broader the topic is, the more numerous are the kinds of research questions that can be asked (Crowl, 1996:20). During the processes of PhD studies and writings, students can only make initial proposals as to what they perceive as original contributions. However, as time progresses and more literature is explored, these initial proposals will change if it is discovered that there has already been some research of a similar nature, and therefore if the initial proposals do not adapt, new ones are creased in their place. Put succinctly, it means not just passively following the authors train of thought but more importantly, it means anticipating where the authors line of argument leads, considering alternative extensions and constructing your own framework that covers these possibilities. Some of the best ideas are born this way. (Krathwohl, 1994:29) Relating this contextually, my PhD research is in the area of Dyslexia in the public and private sectors and its affect on policy making and implementation. The topic chosen is still broad in terms of the area I may investigate. However the focus of my research is narrowing as more literature is read and evaluated. After discussions with my Supervisor who is a specialist in Diversity and Equalities, my research will also attempt to grasp what the perceptions are of dyslexia in the public and private sectors and will see how these mind sets influence the decisions of various departments and relationships within the business and public sectors. An area I am also keen to investigate is the education of staff and the general public through schooling and awareness programmes and other media. From the literature that I have reviewed to date, I know that there has been little research undertaken with regards to dyslexia policies in the educational sector. What has been researched quite extensively is the educational policies which relate primarily to primary and secondary education. There has been little discussion relating to dyslexia during college and university participation. Therefore, I know that any theories I have surrounding higher education and any research I wish to initiate will most likely result in an original contribution to knowledge. There has been next to no academic writing about dyslexia policies in the private sector which gives me, as a researcher, a good opportunity to offer some original contribution to knowledge to this field. What has been written in this field focuses primarily on what is required to comply with national legislation and European law. Drake (1999) summarises policies and laws simply by stating, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ prevailing norms and values reflect the interests of the majority and may subordinate those of the minority. I agree with this statement but wish to find out just how much this holds true in the context of public and private sectors. What has generally been written about dyslexia in the public and private sector areas has been more from a social sciences view stemming from definitions of dyslexia as opposed to stemming from the more business minded and practical view which focuses more on a persons ability to do jobs and the influence this has on company and or educational policies. Therefore, in an area which has been under explored and scrutinised, the research I propose to carry out will be original as it will produce new theories as to why dyslexia is barely acknowledge in these areas, along with new insights into how the current policy systems are produced and operated and possibly where new systems and legislation would be beneficial. There will be an obvious flourish of new ideas and arguments which accompany any original contribution, as well as an opportunity to apply any existing ideas in general literature to the new area of study. This is important in my field, as dyslexia in itself, as a form of disability can be controversial and any new ideas and hypothesis made will be cause for debate and allow past discussions to be revisited. This is also important in the development of original contributions as this will allow any theories created to adapt and grow. Apart from my own literature search, by speaking with other academics in my specific field, I can gain access to a whole new level of expertise and academic knowledge. This will give me the opportunity to test their knowledge of my chosen area of diversity and tap into their resources. Additionally, they will also be able to aide in identifying if my chosen topic has been previously mentioned in any literature that they have read. Academics will not be the only resource I will be able to tap throughout my investigations, as I will also have access to many other resources such as peers, advisors, supervisors, university staff and government offices. Other resources will follow as my research develops. Despite the obvious views of original contributions to knowledge, other questions still remain. One example of this is when a student continues a previously original piece of work, is it truly original? The answer would be in the affirmative in the following cases; for example, if the direct result were to produce new theoretical interpretation to an already given state; to extend, qualify, elaborate existing work; or even create a new research design and/or methodology for research. The latter example would clearly have an impact on any work that I was to produce. This form of original contribution to knowledge is popular when covering an already highly researched area. This allows the researcher to explore areas which have already been explored but have the possibilities to be interpreted in different ways. Also, when a theoretical model is brought from one discipline and applied to another discipline, it can create many interesting results. In the context of my research, there has been one author who has looked generally on policies surrounding disabilities, all be it more substantially from a political (government) viewpoint. However he does not go into detail on dyslexia specifically as this is not the focus of his research when making the general link to companies. What he has passingly touched on in the case of dyslexia would be something I would like to investigate further in my own research. The specific case is the reactions of the managers in companies towards disabled employees. In my research however, I would more specifically want to look at dyslexics. Another area of interest in my chosen topic has been that indirectly covered by wildlife experts. There have been many links made regarding the relationship that exists between mankind and animals, and I believe there are still many more links to be made. For example, if one animal is perceived to be different, then it is often excluded from the group or pack. This link can be made with people. When someone is perceived as different, they can often be persecuted directly or indirectly. This may involve a lowering of self worth or esteem and lead to social exclusion. There can be many assumptions as to why this is, and there are already existing theories with regards to animal behaviour. Therefore I would like to use these theories in a different field/context which again substantiates an original contribution to knowledge. Other areas of originality can be highlighted with fresh data which can lead directly into critical appraisal of previous work. Care needs to be taken not to re-create previous works, or have something which is too closely associated with a previous research specimen. A whole new stance needs to be taken. When a student, using fresh data, undertakes further research of a topic previously covered ten years earlier, there is a strong chance that the results now would differ. This could tentatively lead on to a new theory being uncovered as to the reason behind the change and would thus be considered as another original contribution to knowledge. If during my research I find that an area I wish to explore has already been covered, and yet I find myself disagreeing with the outcomes from the findings I have made, I would gather more data, if time permitted, which would allow me to critically appraise that piece of work with new findings. For example, if twenty years ago research formulated a theory covering managers reactions to disabled people in the banking industry, I would have no hesitation in contemplating further research in this area considering the drastic change in law, disability policies and banking practices over the intervening years. However, if all the work presented is relatively recent, yet I find myself disagreeing with the analysis, my original contribution could be a new analysis and new outcome from the existing data. This in turn could lead onto a fresh theoretical interpretation and even prompt a new analysis and new results derived from the old data. No matter how a research student deduces whether or not they have made an original contribution to knowledge, what matters is that there is a support structure in place to help and guide them. Mauch and Birch (1989) constructed a series of questions to guide researchers when trying to determine the relative strength of research topics, which in my opinion goes hand in hand with original knowledge contribution. Some of the questions highlighted by Mauch and Birch are as follows: 1. Is there current interest in this topic in your field? 2. Is there a gap in knowledge that work on this topic could fill? 3. Is it possible to focus on a small enough segment of this particular topic to make it manageable? 4. Can you envision a way to study the topic that will allow conclusions to be drawn with substantial objectivity? 5. Is the data collection (i.e., test, questionnaire, interviews, etc.) acceptable to your advisor and in your department? 6. Is there a body of literature relevant to the topic? 7. Is a search of the topic manageable? 8. Are there large problems to be surmounted in working in this topic? Can you handle them? Do you want to handle them? 9. Are the needed data easily accessible? Will you have control of the data? Placing the above in context, I can determine whether or not my own research ticks the boxes of this checklist and therefore can ascertain, in another way, whether or not my own work can be considered an original contribution to knowledge. In the instance of the first question, this is irrelevant to an original contribution. However, it does help make the process of PhD writing easier if there is interest and it is therefore a good starting point for a structure. The answer is yes. Interest in disabilities, although diminishing into the background of public awareness over recent years, is still there in the academic world. The second question is vital to original contributions to knowledge as previously discussed. Again, the answer is yes. The area of research I have chosen has been under researched and is therefore a treasure trove waiting to be explored further. Questions 3 to 5 along with 7 and 9 are more focused in and around managing the actual research and data collection. Although not immediately linked to the original contribution to knowledge, they do play a factor in deciding whether or not an area should be further investigated. Question 6 focuses on literature which we have established as being paramount to ascertaining an original contribution to knowledge. In my context, there is literature surrounding dyslexia but more from a sociological perspective. So far in my literature investigations I have not uncovered anything alluding to the subject area I wish to investigate. The final relevant question, number 8, can challenge a researcher when confronted with an original contribution to knowledge in a controversial area. Is it something a first time researcher wants to investigate or is it best left until another opportunity arises in the future? Not only is this an issue, this question also raises further questions about other issues. For example, ethical issues. When thinking about an original contribution to knowledge, a researcher must also take other factors into consideration. Ultimately, the topics surrounding What is an original contribution to knowledge are still quite broad and all encompassing, but with guidance from supervisors and the numerous books available, researchers, including myself, should not have any serious difficulty finding an original contribution to knowledge. A succinct summary for the process of thinking about an original contribution to knowledge is nicely stated by Rojewski in Farmer, E. I., Rojewski, J. W. (2001), Its been almost two weeks now. You spend what seems like, every waking moment thinking about it. And yet, still nothing. In a cruel twist of fate, it seems that the more time you spend thinking about it the more elusive the answer becomes. Why cant someone just give it to you already and then you can be done with it!
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay example --
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a degenerative brain disease that involves dysfunctions and loss of nerve cells in central nervous system, was discovered by a German physician, Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1907. As it is accounted for 50 to 75% of all cases of dementia, it is the most common form of dementia (Blennow et al., 2006) and it is known as a progressive neuropsychiatric disorder which involves memory loss, mood swing and loss of intellectual and social skills (Lee et al., 2010) and sufferer will progress through seven-stages of Alzheimer but with different rate (Reisberg et al., 2003). Prevalence of dementia increases exponentially with age from 60 to 85 years old or older, which is Senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, loss of synapses and degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons are the neuropathological hallmarks of this disease (Shen et al., 2005). It is a neurodegenerative disorder with unknown cause (Blennow et al., 2006). There are some hypotheses of pathogenesis of Alzheimer’... ... are able to interfere some metabolic pathways of choline metabolism. Hence, they have broad range on neurologic effects. From the experiment, monosubstituted 2-aminoethanols give the least inhibitory activity. There will be an increase in inhibitory activity when the degree of substitution and molecular size of the nitrogenous head of the molecule increase, due to the increase in the chance for van der Waals’ interaction with the protein surface, results in increased enzyme inhibition (Hartung, 1968). This complied with the principle of inhibitors with tertiary amino compounds act on PAS site. Enzyme inhibition occurs by steric blockade (Rosenberry et al., 1999) or allosteric activation (Auletta et al., 2010) will give low number of empty enzymes for further hydrolysis. Therefore, dialkylaminoflavonols shold be futher investigated in the discovery of better drugs.
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