Friday, September 4, 2020
Building team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Building group - Essay Example Likely, the fruitless administrators are surrendering it over to the colleagues to choose the pioneer among themselves. At the point when this occurs, the procedure of choice of the group head may get confounded as there is only one post and competitors are many. In different cases, everyone is hesitant to be a pioneer since greater position accompanies greater duty. At the point when the advantages of having greater authority are very little, there isn't a lot of fascination in turning into a pioneer. To dodge these complexities, it is a decent practice for the director to choose the pioneer from among the colleagues himself/herself. Notwithstanding disentangling the procedure, this would add to the believability and unwavering quality of the pioneer in the perspective on the adherents since the chief set his/her trust in the individual chose as the pioneer. Determination of the colleagues is a specialized procedure, and requires information on the individual abilities of individuals by the selector to frame the correct group. The chiefs should choose various colleagues having various types of abilities and gifts to maintain a strategic distance from redundancy of aptitudes and battles about jobs (National Institute for Urban School Improvement, 2005, p. 3). Peace promotion in cooperation is of prime significance. A group contains individuals with clashing perspectives and conclusions, so they may as often as possible emit into broken clashes, in this way, influencing their own, just as the team’s, execution overall in a negative way. Goof rehearses in peace promotion are full-time checking, and foundation of a formal or casual code of morals from the very beginning. It is basically the leader’s obligation to clarify the supporters which practices are painful or inadmissible and might bring about the executor’s liabilities and additionally punishments and what practices are adequate to make the agent qualified for remuneration and appreciation. Likewise, it is valuable to record a system of showing up at an answer in the midst of contention
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Is ethnicity a “natural†or “socially constructed†phenomenon free essay sample
It is typical to consider ethnicity a wonder that has a place with the social space. By its very nature, ethnicity includes perspectives, feeling and acting that establish the embodiment of culture. That ethnic gatherings have remarkable social character can scarcely be denied. The issue, in any case, is that culture doesn't exist in a vacuum; nor is it fixed or constant. Despite what might be expected, culture is consistent motion and is necessarily a piece of a bigger social procedure. The command for social request, subsequently, is that ethnic examples ought not be fully trusted, however should be identified with the bigger social framework in which they are implanted (Steinberg, 1989). The hypothetical point of view that oversees this investigation demands building up the social roots of ethnic qualities and patterns. Without question, ethnicity structures cognizance and impacts conduct. This paper endeavors to de-beguile ethnicity and investigates what delivers this marvel. Is it a characteristic wonder or a socially built thing? This paper keeps up that it is a socially developed wonder that has an interrelationship with an expansive cluster of chronicled, financial, political and social elements. Chronicled Perspective The late 1960s saw an episode of what may be called â€Å"ethnic fever.†One after another, the nation’s racial and ethnic minorities looked to rediscover their disappearing ethnicity and to reaffirm their connections to the social past. Ethnic fever had its starting points operating at a profit network, where Black Nationalism, after an extensive stretch of calmness, developed with restored power. The virus quickly spread to other racial minoritiesâ€Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Asians, Native Americansâ€who framed an approximately composed alliance under the standard of the Third World. In the long run, ethnic fever came to theâ â€Å"white ethnics†â€Jews, Irish, Italians, Poles and others of European parentage. For quite a long time, the prevailing propensity among the nation’s ethnic and racial minorities had been toward coordination into the financial, political and social standard. Presently the pendulum appeared to be swinging back, as these gatherings revoked their assimilationist inclinations. In spite of the fact that workmanship, writing and governmental issues, they looked to advance ethnic pride and solidarity, and to confirm their entitlement to a different personality inside the structure of a pluralist country (Steinberg, 1989). Meaning of Attitudes A demeanor is an inclination to react decidedly or adversely to specific people, items or circumstances. Partiality is a disposition. The word implies â€Å"prejudgment.†It by and large alludes to the use of a formerly shaped judgment to some individual, item or circumstance. It very well may be ideal or horrible. Normally preference originates from classifying or generalizing. In the mean time, a generalization is a misrepresented, fixed mentality or allowance of faith based expectations that is held about individuals from a gathering. Stereotypic mentalities for the most part don't take into account singular exemptions. Perspectives are made out of convictions, sentiments and conduct propensities. Most clinicians concur that perspectives figure out what we go to in our condition, how we see the data about the object of our consideration, and how we react to that object. Consequently, perspectives manage conduct (Steinberg, 1989). Advancement of Attitudes The advancement of mentalities is affected by age and intellectual turn of events. For instance, as indicated by Goodman (1964) and Derman-Sparks (1989), ethnic mentalities create in the accompanying grouping:  ·Ã¢ â â â â â â â Phase I †attention to ethnic contrasts, starting at about age over two to three.  ·Ã¢ â â â â â â â Phase II †direction toward explicit ethnic-related and ideas, starting at about age four.  ·Ã¢ â â â â â â â Phase III †genuine mentalities toward different ethnic gatherings, starting at about age seven This formative arrangement is likely because of the response of others to children’s appearanceâ€remarks about skin shading, hair and facial highlights alert one to the way that individuals appear to be unique. Psychological improvement additionally goes into the clarification. As kids grow intellectually, they are increasingly ready to sort contrasts. Involvement in contrasts advances more mindfulness. Other research has upheld Goodman’s outline of ethnic perspectives. Checking on numerous investigations of Anglo children’s mentalities toward different gatherings, Aboud (1988) broke down that four-to seven-year old Anglo kids were at that point mindful that white is the ethnic personality supported by the general public. They alluded to different gatherings as â€Å"bad†or with negative attributes. For instance, â€Å"He is sluggish on the grounds that he is colored.†Numerous African American youngsters felt undecided about being African American and were desirous of Anglo kids. Hispanic youngsters followed a comparable example. After age seven, be that as it may, offspring of every single ethnic gathering were less partial toward different gatherings and had increasingly uplifting perspectives toward their own gathering. Aboud clarified youthful children’s biased mentalities as because of psychological adolescence as opposed to perniciousness (Aboud, 1988). As youngsters learn of the presence of ethnic classifications, they additionally become mindful of the assessment joined to them. These assessments originate from the family, the companions the schools, including educators and reading material), and the media. Embodying how shading mentalities can inconspicuously be transmitted. A 1993 Caldecott Honor Book (acknowledgment given for pictures), Seven Blind Mice, by Ed Young, is around seven visually impaired mice, each an alternate and splendid shading, whose undertaking is to distinguish an obje3ct. The white mouse illuminates the enigma and accurately recognizes the article as an elephant. Many have censured the book, griping that the white mouse is depicted as a â€Å"savior,†subsequently propagating biased mentalities of â€Å"white supremacy†(Jacobs Tunnell, 1996). Regardless of whether youngsters get unobtrusive messages from the media relies upon their genuine encounters and associations, particularly with guardians. Investigations of little youngsters show that those with the most biased mentalities have guardians who are dictator, who utilize exacting disciplinary strategies, and who are unbendable in their perspectives toward good and bad (Katz, 1975; Boswel Williams. 1975; Aboud, 1988). In this way, unbending parental perspectives impact comparable ones in their youngsters. Biased mentalities are found as to ethnic contrasts as well as with respect to inabilities also. In a longitudinal investigation of children’s perspectives toward the intellectually sick, Weiss (1994) discovered thatâ â when kids entered kindergarten, they previously had vilified mentalities which stayed stable subsequent to being inspected eight years after the fact. (Weiss, 1994).
Friday, August 21, 2020
The importance of corporate responsibility communication, strategies Research Paper
The significance of corporate obligation correspondence, systems for correspondence - Research Paper Example Presentation Over the years, corporate obligation (CR) has increased expanding consideration from professionals and researchers the same. The projects expected to exhibit corporate obligation have prompted noteworthy discoveries, for example, the conviction that responsibility towards CR exercises and correspondence can improve the view of different partners. In this way, absence of social obligation may prompt the debilitating of partner connections. CR endeavors that are portrayed by worldwide subjects just as execution strategies have developed in the commercial center. Correspondence of CR in Europe and non-Western nations has supposedly getting like exercises in the United States with which detailing and correspondence are much of the time enunciated. This proposes CR endeavors, which proactively plan and actualize programs that coordinate social incentive with business exercises and address issues apparent as a major aspect of an organization’s social duty, have signific antly improved. In this way, the present patterns and proof profoundly bolster the correspondence of CR exercises and projects. Corporate Responsibility: An Overview Primarily, the social obligation of associations is to create merchandise and ventures that are socially alluring (Becker-Olsen, Taylor, Hill, and Yalcinkaya. 2010). Besides, these organizations have the social duty of clinging to moral and legitimate principles that are seen by the general public as proper. This has been introduced through an increasingly far reaching definition that portrayed corporate citizenship as the degree to which firms take on the legitimate, moral, financial, and optional obligations that their partners oblige them to accept. One of the most essential parts of CR’s definition is the pertinence joined to optional duties that express the longing of the general public to see organizations become effectively associated with the turn of events and advancement of networks and perform past the normal principles. Through past examinations, various CR rehearses have been recognized that were arranged as good or moral practices, optional practices, and social practices. Decent variety, network support, representative help, association with the earth, and item producing were thought of. Reasonable treatment of workers, thinking about the privileges of representatives from remote nations, reasonable rivalry with others, answerable activities toward nature, and embodying of truth are totally considered as good or moral practices according to corporate obligation. In the interim, under optional practices, various methods have been recognized also, for example, the commitment of assets to expand social mindfulness with respect to current issues, support for issues on family and youngsters, support for general wellbeing projects, and commitment of social projects for the network. At last, social practices include the endeavors for building up long haul associations with buyers ju st as the eagerness to consider the perspectives and productive reactions of partners in regards to strategic approaches (Shum and Yam, 2010). The business advantages of corporate obligation have been extensively inspected and results have shown that CR can produce moral capital among laborers
World Religions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
World Religions - Essay Example No less significant distinction between the two Christian divisions is applicable to the subject of salvation. Protestants regularly state that confidence is the essential and principal route for the salvation of man. Confidence is the way that opens the path to the finesse of God. In contrast to Protestants, Catholics are slanted to state that in spite of the way that confidence is fundamental for salvation, it can't be viewed as the best way to salvation. In this regard, confidence isn't sufficient. Catholics think about â€Å"justification as a procedure, reliant on the effortlessness you get by taking an interest in the Church - which is viewed as a store of sparing grace†(Rosario). As noted over, the contrasts among Catholicism and Protestantism are additionally showed in the custom zone. Specifically, the custom of the Eucharist has an alternate understanding in the groups. Catholics demand the teaching of transubstantiation. As indicated by this convention, the consuma ble ceremonial components utilized during the Eucharist ought to be viewed as the strict epitome of the body and blood of Christ. Thusly, Protestants utilize the precept of consubstantiation, that is, they accept that the body and blood of Christ exist together alongside the bread and the wine (Rosario). In examination with the Protestants, Catholics give unique significance to different holy people, including the Virgin Mary. â€Å"Roman Catholics see reverence, not as going to the Saints and the Virgin Mary, yet as supplicating through them†(Rosario). In contrast to Catholics, Protestants accentuate the immediate correspondence with God.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Using an Expository Essay Outline Will Help You Write Better Essays
Using an Expository Essay Outline Will Help You Write Better EssaysMany students are curious about an Expository Essay outline but do not know what to expect. Some believe that it is a fancy writing technique and they just want the student to put their best foot forward. They are right in a sense because an outline will indeed make your essay easier to write, but there are other factors you should consider as well.The first thing you should look for in an Expository Essay outline is the introduction. You need to make sure that the introduction of your paper is powerful enough to grab the attention of the reader and entice them to read on. You want them to stop reading your essay and go read yours. You do not want the first paragraph to be a dud and the middle to be missing as well.If the introduction is weak then it will follow through with the main body. This is why it is imperative that the introduction flows nicely throughout the rest of the paper. Be sure to stay on topic and do not stray from the path you have been plotted out on. You need to take the time to build up to the conclusion.While an outline can be helpful, it is also important to get all of your points across in your essay. If you are unsure about how to structure your essay, it is advised that you not to use an outline as you will not be sure if you are doing it correctly. You will also find that using an outline can help you break down the essay into smaller segments so that you can work on them one at a time. That way if you do not like a part of the essay you can always move on to the next.A great idea that will help you in creating an Expository Essay outline is to use different fonts and spellings of the same words. By doing this you will be able to tell what each word means without having to refer back to the article itself. You will find that this helps a lot and it will allow you to develop a better way of writing your essay.In order to write an Expository Essay, you will need to know your main points before writing anything else. This will allow you to structure your essay properly without any confusions or tangents. After you have covered the topic of your essay then you can start to create your essay outline. Make sure that you are not too dense with the subject matter and that you are not too vague in your writing style.The whole essay is basically what you will be writing about. As such, make sure that you organize your writing style properly and stay focused throughout the piece. One way to do this is to plan your ideas out thoroughly and then once you have done that write everything out one by one. The last thing you want to do is find yourself rambling on in your writing.Overall, an Expository Essay outline can help you get the proper focus when you are trying to write an essay. By breaking the writing process down into smaller sections, you will be able to be more concise and less confusing.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
The Rise of Serial Killers in the 1980s - Free Essay Example
The 1980s was a time of surprising and fearful events. A lot of these events really scared humanity. One of these events was the rise in serial killers in the U.S. The 1980s, a time of shoulder pads, leg warmers and jazzercise. In American politics, it was a decade of Ronald Reagan and his vision to change the nation. Reagan and his administration had the profound influence for the way on how the Americans thought about what was going on in the country. Him and his administration realized to be able to destroy all communism in the U.S. they had to build up the military. At this time communism was a very big subject. Even though communism has been around for many years it has made its way from Europe to the U.S. For years communism in Russia and in other countries has ruled and struck fear in its people living there. Even though communism is a type of government, religion and different types of culture also take on a huge part as to what or who people believe in. The main religions people believe in are mainly Catholic, Baptist, Methodist and many more. Some of those religions that people do know of are the types that they find weird or creep y, such as people who have joined cults or groups that all live together and worship their leader. Many people are fixated on one person who they believe in the most or aspire to be like. One religion that is probably the weirdest of them all are probably Satanism. Yes, people to this day even think that is weird. But people back then thought of it as some sort of fad or false that some teens and adults went through. Although some of them never stopped believing that the devil was their all mighty and powerful ruler. Just like people believed that god and jesus was their savior. What is a Serial Killer? Many people do not know they are or what they do. Well if you can infer by the term killer, means that one, of female or male genders kill one more people. These type of people are power driven. The high and the power surge that the killings give off to these people gives them these power driven highs. Many serial killers also kill because they have gone through trauma with parents, siblings or other relatives. Many people who have gone through these traumas notice certain things their community or in other places. They start to notice things such as children cowering in fear because their parents beat them. They believe that they are doing the right thing and or adults suffering from PTSD because their father or mother were drunks and beat them. These people are susceptible to becoming mass murders or serial killers thinking that they are saving the people who are getting hurt but really whats happening is that they are the ones causing all of the damage on these peoples lives. Religion and culture also plays a big part in how people becoming or develop into serial killers. Some people who follow certain religions believe that they are Purifying the Earth such as the puritans did when they first came to the New World. The puritans wanted to purify the Catholic church with new ideas and new ways of spreading its religion. Many serial killers in the 1980s had many of these characteristics of becoming serial killers in their adult lives, such as Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy and Aileen Wuornos a few of the most famous serial killers during the 1980s. The Milwaukee Cannibal, The Milwaukee Monster, those are just a few of the names that the infamous Jeffrey Dahmer was called. Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer, was born on May 21, 1960 to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. As a young child Jeffrey began to feel these urges of something called Necrophilia. Necrophilia is a sexual attraction toward corpses and other dead things. Throughout the rest of his life he tortured many animals and soon escalated to young males. As his certain way of killing progressed he soon moved to cannibalism. Cannibalism is when someone or something eats its own kind. Such as humans eating humans, like Jeffrey Dahmer. John Wayne Gacy on the other hand was a cold killer. John Wayne Gacy was born on March 17, 1942 in Chicago, Illinois. He was an American serial killer and rapist who took the lives of at least 33 young males in Cook County, Illinois, burying most under his home. Gacy had a abusive childhood which took a toll on his emotional factors in the future. He also struggled with his sexual identity as a young male, in 1968 he was arrested for sexual assault and his murders were uncovered and he was immediately arrested for the murder of 33 men. He was then found guilty in 1980 then executed by lethal injection. Gacy was known as the Serial Killer Clown, he attended childrens birthday parties dressed up as clown. He had an alternative ego as Pogo the Clown. He would lure his victims in hope of construction work and later sexually assault them and later kill them by strangulation by a rope. As a child his drunk father would beat him and his siblings with a razor strap if they were perceived to have misbehaved; his father physically assaulted Gacys mother as well. He grew up with a heart condition as well as troubles with his sexuality. Aileen Wuornos one of the most notorious female serial killers. Born on February 29, 1956, in Rochester, Michigan, Aileen Wuornos was sexually abused and thrown out of her home as a teen. She made a little as a sex worker along highways and at truck stops. In 1989 she killed her first victim at a truck stop who had picked her up. She later went on the kill another five men. She was then caught and convicted. Even though her sanity was questioned she was still put on death row and executed by lethal injection in 2002. Wuornos had a very traumatizing childhood. Her father killed himself while serving prison time for child molestation, while her mother abandoned Aileen and older brother Keith, leaving them to be raised by their grandparents. Her grandmother was allegedly a very heavy alcohol drinker and her grandfather was a terrifying man who beat her. In her later year she would go on to state that she was sexually assaulted by her grandfather and had sexual relations with h er brother. In her early she became pregnant and carried to baby to full term, she later gave the infant up for adoption and soon began her work as a prostitute. After she was kicked out of her house she began to live in the woods, she would hitchhike and engage in sex work to make a living. There are many statistics for serial killers. Many male, female, and many in groups or pairs. For male serial killers a majority of these people kill because they are power-driven or they believe that they are getting rid of the evil. how many male serial killers kill because they have men in trauma as a young child or suffer from PTSD. Male serial killers are more likely to get caught rather than female serial killers. female serial killers on the other hand arent power driven or have suffered from a trauma,. They kill for revenge or a a vendetta for a child or a family member. female serial killers are less likely to get caught rather than male serial killers. Male serial killers tend to get attached to what or who theyre killing female serial killers become detached because they are only fixated on that revenge or that vendetta. Now if were talking about pair or group serial killers such as Fred and Rosemary West. Rosemary and Fred West were one of the most notorious coupl e serial killers in the 1980s. They killed over ten women in almost 30 years. They came from homes that had very traumatizing events. Fred claims that he came from a home with incest and that his father had taught him beastiality. In 1971, Fred was arrested and sent jail for theft. He later found out that Rosemary had killed his stepdaughter because she wouldnt cry while she was beating her. Once Fred was released, he convinced Rosemary to become prostitute and began to rape their daughters. They were both caught and convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Fred later committed suicide while he was custody pending trial. These people and events in the 1980s impacted the United States and its federal government agencies. The FBI, CIA, NSA and many other federal agencies were impacted after these people killed. They knew how they need to track them down. They knew how to create profiles for them and see what they saw and understand them. These agencies were able to use the information that was given to them in medical records, social media pages, and many other websites and records to understand where that person came from. What trauma they experience and what they went through as a child. They impacted the government so that can act fast in catching them before it causes mad hysteria. Yes during the 1980s it was a fearful time of communism and war but us as Americans pushed through. The Rise in Serial Killers was one of those events but it helped us in the long run. Serial Killers helped impact America because they helped the government agencies solves the murders and catch the killers. During the 1980s fearful and surprising events occurred. Many of these event was the rise in Serial Killers. And these events really scared humanity. All of the victims of these killers will forever be remembered and honored. The family can now rest easy knowing that their child, sibling, mother, father or, friends is no longer suffering.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Impact Of The Sexualization Of The Fast Food Industry
The impact of the McDonaldization is seen in a consumer’s life at least everyday. It was enlightening to be given the opportunity to learn about this process by visiting a local restaurant called Schlotzsky’s. During my hour there, I learned how McDonaldization is all around the consumers and they should stop and take the time to learn about the effects of the industrialization of the fast food industry. There are a few things that this observation process has helped realize about the American culture. Americans do not like change and this is evident in this experiment. One example is the menu of the Schlozsky’s or any fast food restaurant: it usually never changes, and if it does, then it is a slight change. Customers expect to go into the same restaurant in Texas as in Tennessee and be able to order the exact same menu item. If the customer were to ask for an item that is not on the menu, then the worker would give them a funny look and probably tell them no. T he worker could ask the manager so that they could fix the customer’s order the way that they asked, but most likely, this would not happen. The diners in the restaurant were eating at a leisurely manner and talked with someone if they had someone with them to talk to. In most cases, the customer is usually in a hurry because they have somewhere else to be and just want to get in and out as quickly as possible. Usually people bussed their own tables because it helps out the people that are getting the individual’sShow MoreRelatedEssay on Child Development1286 Words  | 6 Pagesthe â€Å"interest in boy-girl interactions is replacing play in preadolescents†. (Winn 78) Our sex saturated media is also generating conflict in young girls’ development. The portrayal of women as sexual objects is discussed in the article â€Å"The sexualization of Girls is Harmful†by Olivia Ferguson and Hayley Mitchell Haugen. The article cites statistics of â€Å"prime-time television shows popular among children†remarking that â€Å"12% of sexual comments involved sexual objectification toward women†and â€Å"23%Read MoreThe Negative Impact of Targeted Advertising on Adolescents and Children2406 Words  | 10 Pagesgroup of people, depending on age, sex, interests or even religion. These advertisements are defined as targeted. Companies like McDonald`s, Calvin Klein, Victoria`s Secret and Coca-Cola successfully practice targeted commercials, selling apparel, fast-food, perfume, intimates and other products. For decades, targeted advertisement directed to children and teenagers was a somewhat controversial issue. Every year young people are exposed to 40,000 advertisements on television only, not counting numberRead MoreThe Principles Of Marketing Discussion Essay3684 Words  | 15 Pageslife cycle, businesspeople can make savvy marketing choices. What is a popular item today that you’ve seen go through the product life cycle? Explain the characteristics for each phase of the product’s life cycle. How can each phase of the life cycle impact the product’s brand? After learning about the field of marketing, is it different than what you expected it to be? You must use the text and at least one additional scholarly source A typical product that has gone through a product
Monday, May 18, 2020
Prevalence And Types Of Cancer Among Urban Rural Populations
Objective: To determine the prevalence and types of cancer among urban-rural populations and their relation to socioeconomic status. Methodology: A cross sectional study carried out in three hospitals in Punjab named Mayo Hospital, Lahore, Nishtar hospital and civil hospital in Multan, Pakistan. All the new cases of cancers (all known types of cancer) were recorded during the months of August 2013 through February 2014. Details of age, sex, socioeconomic status, address whether rural or urban, stage, type of cancer and hemoglobin levels at the time of presentation were recorded after taking the verbal consent from the patients and the attendees. For data analysis, Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS v. 21) software was used.†¦show more content†¦Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma with 40 cases (13.1%) out of which 26 (65%) were poor and 14 (35%) were rich, 21 (52.5%) were rural patients and 19 (47.5%) urban. Squamous cell carcinoma with 29 cases (9.5%): 23 (79.3%) were poor and 6 (20.7%) were rich, 22 (75.86%) were rural patients and 7 (24.16%) urban. Carcinoma of cervix with 22 cases (7.2%); 16 (72.72%) were poor and 6 (27.3%) were rich, 13 (59.1%) patients were from rural areas 9 (40.9%) were from urban areas. Several other rare carcinomas resembling Wilms tumor, with as few cases as 1 case in the time period of 6 months are also discussed. Conclusion: The study shows that in general, cancer is extra prevalent in poor socioeconomic status, population and those patients that live in rural areas. Further study should be carried out to observe the effects of other variables reminiscent of screening, knowledge to pursue medical attention, the time to search for medical attention, implementation of preventive methods, environmental factors should be taken into account and the geographical area should be increased so that the study can be carried on a larger scale. INTRODUCTION: Cancers of multiple types remain one of the foremost challenging and significant obstacles faced by health providers with numbers rising to an epidemic in recent years. It is a leading cause of death worldwide. In 2007 it accounted for approximately 8 million deaths (around 13% of all deaths); and exceeding 70% of these
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts Part 2...
Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 2 Ming D. Lee RES/351 April 18, 2016 Dr. Linda F Florence Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 2 Descriptive statistics Descriptive statistics suggests a straightforward quantitative outline of a data-set which has been gathered. It helps us comprehend the experimentation or data-set in-detail and tells people concerning the mandatory details that help show the data perceptively. Descriptive statistics, we just convey exactly what the data reveals and tell us. Most of the statistical averages and numbers we estimate are essentially illustrative averages. For instance the Dow Jones Industrial tells us about the typical performance of select firms. The†¦show more content†¦The research can use strategies including surveys, observation, area experiments, interviews and quantity analysis. As it is indeed diverse in technique and utilization, some researchers favor its use in numerous disciplines including advertising, medical-health, and psychology. On the possible negative aspect, â€Å"Descriptive research†can at times be used to match the requirements of the researcher. Example: when preparing a survey, one may load the survey questions to direct the reader to respond in a specific manner. Or in another instance, a comparison between two merchandise or product, it is possible to give one commodity an unfair edge to get the wanted outcome. There are two principal limits to the usage of â€Å"Inferential Statistics†. The primary and most critical limitation, which will be present in all â€Å"inferential statistics†, is that if you are supplying data of a population which you havent entirely quantified, and thus, cannot actually be entirely sure the values/numbers you compute are right. Keep in mind, â€Å"inferential statistics†are based in the notion of utilizing the values measured in an example to estimate/infer the values that might be quantified in a population; there will be a level of doubt in this way. The 2nd restriction is linked with the primary restriction. Again, there will likely beShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Business Research Terms and Concepts Part 21644 Words  | 7 PagesUnderstanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 2 Justin Wilson RES 351 Business Research 31 Mar 2015 Biman Ghosh Descriptive statistics is the term given to the analysis of data that helps describe, show or summarize data in a meaningful way such that, for example, patterns might emerge from the data. Descriptive statistics do not, however, allow us to make conclusions beyond the data we have analysed or reach conclusions regarding any hypotheses we might have made. 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You must integrate relevant concepts, models, frameworks, theories and/or technical competencies (use in text references) from secondary research and other business disciplines you have studied e.g. Ma nagement, to support your discussion. THE TASK: 1. Include a copy of, or produce, an organisational chart of your organisation, showing your role and briefly discuss where your roleRead MoreSupply Chain Management : An Effective Method Of Information Exploration Essay1577 Words  | 7 Pages 1.1 An Overview of the Topic Supply chain is long and penetrates almost all business processes. The chain can extend from raw materials to final sales or deliveries to end users. It connects an organization with multiple levels of customers as well as suppliers, and acts as a channel on which to exchange information and transfer orders in terms of product flow (CIPS, 2013). The role of supply chain plays in a business determines the necessity of supply chain management (SCM) improvement. AccordingRead MoreBusiness Environment Past Papers1115 Words  | 5 PagesUnit Title: Introduction to Business Guided Learning Hours: 100 Level: Level 4 Number of Credits: 12 Learning Outcome 1 The learner will: Understand the objectives of a business, what resources they need and to whom they are accountable. Assessment Criteria The learner can: 1.1 Define and show an understanding of the important business terms related to corporate objectives. Indicative Content 1.1.1 Define and show an understanding of the terms ‘corporate aims’, ‘corporate objectives’Read MoreA Critical Evaluation Of Financial Performance Essay1689 Words  | 7 PagesA CRITICAL EVALUATION OF FINANCIAL AND OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE THROUGH 360 DEGREE ANALYSIS LALIT MOHAN (Research Scholar) Deptt. Of ABST, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur ABSTRACT Though 360 degree analysis is related with human resource management but here the 360 analysis will include the overall analysis of operational and financial performance from every angle. In human resources or Industrial psychology, 360-degree feedback, also known as multi-rater feedback, multisource feedbackRead MoreA Business Plan For The Long Run With Csr Strategies1737 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Imagine a group of recent graduates from a highly respected and internationally recognized business school who developed a business plan together during their studies and are now planning to establish a business. They are all highly capable and all received top marks in their courses. Will they succeed in their new venture? Or like so many opening small businesses, will they fail within the first year? This hypothetical situation illustrates, that while it’s a generally accepted factRead MoreImportance of Marketing to Business1036 Words  | 5 PagesImportance of marketing to business Table of contents Introduction 3 Importance of marketing to business 3 Conclusion 5 Reference list 7 Introduction Marketing has become more and more important, especially as the purposes of marketing expanded into performing marketing researches. Through marketing researches, it is asserted that marketing starts with a real customer need. Classic marketing, has, nonetheless, focused on making the need that will draw
Rewilding North America free essay sample
The earth is a planet that contains not only human beings but also animals. Unfortunately, people do not respect animals well enough since the idea is that human beings are much smarter than animals. However, we are two different kinds that cannot survive without each other. Luckily, there are some people who care about animals and try to make people be a part of wildlife like old times. A lot of animals die because of human beings almost everyday. Most of those occur on roads and highways. Therefore, scientists research to prevent those losses. One of the most important things that they did is called â€Å"Y2Y†which is a short form of Yellowstone to Yukon. Y2Y is a corridor that includes national forests, isolated parks and most importantly it is roadless, Y2Y is not only preserve animals but it also makes people change their minds. For example, the pressure of Y2Y makes people build bridges on highways for the animals. We will write a custom essay sample on Rewilding North America or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So that, the animals that live there have a chance to avoid the cars on the highways. In addition to Y2Y, isolated parks play a vital role of preservation of animals. Although I think isolated parks are great opportunities for animals in order to live fearlessly, some scientists strongly oppose. They claim that because of isolated parks, animals have to live in smaller areas. According to the scientists, if the area where animals live gets smaller, there will be less species exist. The scientists who have two opposite sites argue that if single large is more beneficial for animals or several small. In conclusion, human beings and animals are parts of the ecosystem which cannot be thought either one of them do not exist. In my opinion, the world would be a better place if people try to be more responsible and respectful to animals.
Strategic Integrated Marketing Challenges †
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Integrated Marketing Challenges. Answer: Introduction: Marketing is the industry through which every organization and industry promotes its businesses and products, services in the target market. This is performed to enhance the demand for the products and the services introduced by the business organizations in the target market. In modern terms, to conduct the functionalities of the marketing department, there are numerous sources are available. While in the traditional period of time, only a few were available. Yet they were effective but today's marketing techniques have the strength to change the consumer's preferences using effective modern techniques of advertisement and promotion. Under this report, research will be directed towards the role of technology in regards to the marketing. In addition to this, technologys components and their functionalities are capable enough to enhance the performance of the organization. With the help of technology, organizations across the globe can increase their products demand, growth rate, etc. Furthermore, technology helps the organization to attain their desired gaols and the objectives, as well as technology, has the strength to enhance the effectiveness of the promotional and advertisement campaigns. And with the modern technologies of promotion and advertisement, organizations could spread the awareness in regards to their products across the globe. However, there are a number of benefits available in relation to the technology in marketing while, numerous disadvantages also exist with the same. The main component of technology is internet and it has the adequate strength to gain huge positive results for the organization. Apart from this, organization could also use social media platforms; email marketing techniques, etc. to gain the consumers and to enhance the demand for the particular item or service across the global market. The major aim of this research proposal is to analyse the numerous aspects of the topic of research i.e. Impact of Technology in marketing. Furthermore, various other questions will also be covered under this research proposal in order to determine the appropriate and adequate factors available in regards to the research topic. This research topic will be conducted with the view to analysing the functionalities of leading companies of Australia which includes Wesfarmers, Woolworths Limited and Amcor Limited (Hansen Owen, 2016). All these companies are involved in the production and distribution of products and services of various categories. Wesfarmers Limited is involved in the functionalities such as retail, manufacturing, and distribution of chemicals and fertilizers, coal mining, and safety products (Thorson Moore, 2013). Woolworths Limited is also involved in various functionalities such as production and distribution of liquor products, hotel industry, retail market, etc. Along with these two companies, Amcor Limited is also known as the top manufacturer of flexible and non-flexible packaging. These are distributed across the globe and they are serving various manufacturing industries in order to provide appropriate packaging materials (Kumar, 2016). All these companies stand in the top ten companies in Australia in terms of revenue and the biggest factor behind the success of the organization and the rapid increase in the demand for their products is the involvement of the technology in the marketing techniques (Arnold Boggs, 2015). The main objectives of this research are: To determine the benefits of the technology in terms of marketing; To determine the disadvantages of the technology; Major components of the technology which has directed the various industries towards the success and the growth. Research Question: This research paper will conclude the various aspects of the research. Certain aspects which will be critically evaluated and discussed under this research paper in relation to the "Impact of Technology in marketing" are: What are the different benefits/advantages of technology in marketing? What are the different disadvantages of impact of technology in the marketing? What are the unique features or components of technology which could direct the industries towards the success and the growth? Literature Review As per Beach (2014), there are numerous aspects are available in relation to the impact of the technology in the marketing i.e. promotion and advertisement functionalities. With the implementation of the unique and advanced methodology of promotional and advertisement techniques, various industries have attained adequate growth and the success (Xia, et. al., 2010). Across the globe, various big companies, as well as small and medium level companies, have adopted the method of technology for promoting their new products and the services in the global market with the view to attain the organizational goals and the objectives. Marketing functionalities have the adequate strength to provide more than sufficient growth and positive response as expected by the management of the organizations. With the help of technology in the marketing functionalities, organizations are able to spread the awareness in relation to their newly launched products, services or the newly launched business organ ization in the domestic or in the global market audience. Promoting the newly launched products and the services in order to increase the demand for the product is the most appropriate way to enhance the sales of the organization. This will lead to the enhancement of the growth as well as success factor of the organization (Richards Schmidt, 2014). Choice of the selection of the technology for performing marketing functionalities is a big task as to which technology more preference should be given and to which not is a bit difficult and complicated task (Sharma, 2015). Organizations need to perform adequate research in order to analyse the best and suitable technique for them. Technology's revolution has been done since a very long time but in 1990, when technology was first introduced to perform advertisement and promotional activities, various challenges and issues occurred. Globalisation is one of those technologies which were introduced to enhance the effectiveness of the organizations activities. But it also leads to various challenges in relation to the marketing activities (Northcott Ma'amora Taulapapa, 2012). With the above discussion, it could be concluded that the technology has a great impact on enhancing the effectiveness of the marketing activities to promote and to spread awareness in relation to the newly launch ed business outlets, products, and the services across the globe. It could easily understand that the technology has huge advantages while disadvantages in relation to the technology in marketing also exist (Belch, et. al., 2014). The basic advantage of technology in marketing includes that the customers could avail the adequate information in regards to the newly launched products, services, as well as of new business outlets without putting much efforts. With the help of same technique, marketing activities have been treated as the most crucial functionality in the business organizations activities. The basic component of the marketing activities is promotion and advertisement of newly launched products in the domestic, international or in the target market. Effective elements of the marketing activities are social media platforms, internet sources, email marketing, display shows, sponsorship of events, sports tournaments, etc. These all techniques are the result of invention done in the name of technology. Technology could be implemented in any industry and from recent years, technology has created an effective place in the organizational workplace irrelevance to their nature of the organization. Customers can gain adequate knowledge in relevance with the companies techniques used to promote their new products and services. With the help of technology, advertisement could be made so effective which could make consumers realise the importance of the certain products and the services. Making effective advertisements and the promotional campaigns help the organization to enhance its presence in the competitive business environment (Blakeman, 2014). For instance, Amcor Limited is promoting its new type of packaging which specially designed to reduce the impact of the packaging from the environment. Apart from the importance of the packaging, the promotional campaign also defines the raw materials used in the production of the packaging which would not create a negative impact on the environmental conditions. Technology has also played an important role in enhancing the effectiveness of the marketing techniques and providing more options to the organization for promotion purpose. Before introduction of the technology in the marketing department, few methods were available such as newspaper advertisement, magazine advertisement, pamphlets, etc. which are known as the traditional methods of advertisement and promotion or print medium of advertisement (Entrepreneur, 2017). With the implementation of the technology, marketing team of every organization has got the two mediums through which they could promote and spread awareness amon gst the public in regards to the products and the services of the organization i.e. traditional methods or print medium of advertisement and digital medium of advertisement. Other advantages of introducing technology in the marketing functionalities include that they have the capability to cover large part of the audience in terms of spreading awareness in regards to the products and the services as well as it is bit cheap for the organizations too. Cost of the production will also be decreased as with the help of technology, various other factors could be improved which could remove the extra cost incurred for the production of goods, etc. (Edsa, 2017). Apart from these benefits, the primary advantage is the attainment of the trust from the consumers towards the organization and towards its products (Peter, 2015). Technology will be proven successful only when the true picture of the products and the services will be shown through the digital mediums of the promotion. As well as these mediums are updated regularly in order to make the consumers experience better and to enhance the consumers trust over the technological equipment used for promoting the products and the services (Garvey, 2014). Methodology is the crucial part of the research paper. This helps to analyse and evaluate the impact of various sections included in the research paper in regards to the "Impact of the Technology in marketing". Under the methodology section, theoretical perceptive, design of the research, data collection methods, collecting samples and the techniques used to collect the samples, analysis and the presentation of the data in relevance with the research topic, reliability and validity, ethical considerations, timeline of the research, etc. will be covered for evaluating the effectiveness of the research conducted. Theoretical perceptive of the research paper defines the possibility of conducting research. Under this research paper, theoretical perceptive in regards to the "Impact of the Technology in marketing" is being conducted. Apart from the impact of the technology, advantages and the disadvantages of the technology in regards with the same is also being covered with this research paper. As using technology to perform and to enhance the effectiveness of the marketing activities is marked as legal, hence; research on this topic could be carried without any issue (Ginsburg, et. al., 2017). The research paper has been designed in the context of the topic of this research. The research topic will be mixed with the methods of conducting research in order to gain the adequate information in regards to the impact of technology in the marketing functionalities. To analyse the effectiveness of this research, various sources such as consumers, visitors, investors, employees as well as the management of the organizations. Designing of the research is done to enhance the effectiveness of the methods used to analyse the importance of the research topic (Grunig, 2013). Method of data collection has a unique importance in terms of evaluating the effectiveness of the research paper. Under this step, various sources and the ways will be analysed from which the information will be collected for reaching to the appropriate result (Percy, 2014). For collecting the data for analysing the effectiveness of the research paper, two sources are available i.e. primary and secondary sources of data. Whereas primary sources are first-hand evidence of the information and these types of data are collected from the eyewitness of the incident, conducting surveys, etc. while secondary data sources are the sources which are collected by someone and those data are used to fulfil certain purpose. For instance, government conduct census surveys to determine the population count and it is known as primary source of data whereas companies use these data for determining the appropriate target audience for their newly launched product and the services (Hatziargyriou, 2014). Under this method of collecting response, samples and other methods are distributed amongst a large number of consumers, visitors, employees, and to other stakeholders of the organization so as to collect the large number of responses. This is conducted in order to obtain the adequate and the effective results for which the research was executed. Collecting response from small number of audience, may lead to the negative results but in the scenario of large number of collection of sample, appropriate results will be attained for sure. Questionnaires, survey forms, feedback forms, etc. could be used. Response rate will be determined through the total number of responses asked and the total number of responses obtained. In order to analyse and obtain effective results, sample size would be 100 (Jensen, 2013). Presentation of the data should be done in an appropriate manner as through this technique, better understanding in relation to the data collected and for which the research was conducted, the purpose would be determined. The collected data could be displayed under tables, charts, graphs, etc. (Kasper Kellerman, 2014). The data collected from the primary or secondary resources should be valid enough so that consumers and other stakeholders of the organization could rely upon the figures. These resources should be valid and the appropriate reference should also be given to the data collected from the secondary resources in order to maintain the transparency. The referencing for the secondary sources of data is crucial in order to build the strong relationship with the investors as investors invest their capital on the basis of history of the company, current condition of the company as well as through the figures. To attain the mark and to reduce the chances of any kind of modification in the data collected, referencing is must. With this procedure, organization will be able to make all types of stakeholders rely upon the facts and figures displayed to them (Knowthis, 2017). Apart from this, valid data will be useful for attaining the mark of getting adequate results. The data which will be provided to stakeholders should be provided in the format which could be modified. And this security should also be kept within the organization so that without authorisation, no one will be able to make wrong use of the data and the chances of modification in the data would also be reduced. For this, organization could use the password protection which is an important factor generated with the help of technology. If any unauthorised person would try to reach to the data, his details will be captured in the system and appropriate actions will be taken or before modifying the data, written permit should be taken in order to avoid glitches in the future (Kraidy, 2017). Ethical Considerations Ethical considerations define the rules and the regulations in relation to the completion of the project in an effective manner. All the considerations i.e. legal, political, environmental, social, etc. should be considered before performing the functionalities of the organization. avoiding and non-fulfilment of the ethical consideration may lead to the disturbance in the organizational performances. Hence, these should be considered adequate for attaining the expected and positive results in relation to the particular project (Lawrie, 2014). Activities Introduction date (2017) Completion date (2017) Days consumed Outcomes Background of the Research 1st Jan 2nd Jan 2 days This is the initial stage where the development of the research topics will be discussed and evaluated in order to obtain the satisfactory results in relation to the research topic. Initialisation of Research paper 3rd Jan 8th Jan 6 days This is the stage where various sections of the research paper will be conducted which leads to the completion of the research paper. Stage 1 of research paper 9th Jan 17th Jan 9 days Under this phase of the research paper, appropriate facts and the figures will be conducted from the target audience through questionnaire, feedback forms, etc. Stage 2 of research paper 18th Jan 1st Feb 15 days Collected data will be scrutinised in order to manage them in an adequate format through which stakeholders could be impressed. Representation of the data will also be done under this phase of the research paper. Last stage/Conclusion 2nd Feb 6th Feb 5 days This is the last phase of the research paper and under this phase, conclusion will be made on the basis of figures and data collected from the primary or secondary resources. The submission of the research paper will be done. Bibliography Arnold, E. C., Boggs, K. U. (2015).Interpersonal Relationships-E-Book: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences. Beach, L. R. (2014).Decision making in the workplace: A unified perspective. Psychology Press. Belch, G. E., Belch, M. A., Kerr, G. F., Powell, I. (2014).Advertising: An integrated marketing communication perspective. McGraw-Hill Education. Blakeman, R. (2014).Integrated marketing communication: creative strategy from idea to implementation. Rowman Littlefield. Edsa. (2017). Advantages of direct selling, Retrieved from:. Entrepreneur. (2017). Unique selling proposition(USP). Retrieved from: Garvey, W. D. (2014).Communication: the essence of science: facilitating information exchange among librarians, scientists, engineers and students. Elsevier. Ginsburg, K. R., Kinsman, S. B., American Academy of Pediatrics. (2017).Reaching Teens Strength-Based Communication Strategies To Build Resilience and Support Healthy Adolescent Development. Grunig, J. E. (Ed.). (2013).Excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge. Hansen, E. L., Owen, R. M. (2016). Evolving Technologies To Drive Competitive Advantage in Hospitality Industry. Retrieved 01 31, 2016, from Hatziargyriou, N. (Ed.). (2014).Microgrids: architectures and control. Wiley/IEEE Press. Jensen, K. B. (Ed.). (2013).A handbook of media and communication research: Qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Routledge. Kasper, G., Kellerman, E. (2014).Communication strategies: Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives. Routledge. Knowthis. (2017), Advantages of personal selling, Retrieved from: Kraidy, M. (2017).Hybridity, or the cultural logic of globalization. Temple University Press. Kumar, R. (2011). Research Methodology, 3rd Ed. Sage London. Lawrie, A. (2014). An exploration of perceptions of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies on intercultural group interactions and how they impact on learning and teaching in higher education.Internationalisation and the Student Experience, 14. Northcott, D., Ma'amora Taulapapa, T. (2012). Using the balanced scorecard to manage performance in public sector organizations: Issues and challenges.International Journal of Public Sector Management,25(3), 166-191. Percy, L. (2014).Strategic integrated marketing communications. Routledge. Peter, P. C. (2015). MKTG 472 Advanced Integrated Marketing Communications. Richards, J. C., Schmidt, R. W. (2014).Language and communication. Routledge. Sharma, R. (2015). IMC: A Tool for Building Competitive Advantage.International Journal of Core Engineering and Management,2(2), 75-88. Thorson, E., Moore, J. (Eds.). (2013).Integrated communication: Synergy of persuasive voices. Psychology Press. Xia, J. C., Evans, F. H., Spilsbury, K., Ciesielski, V., Arrowsmith, C., Wright, G. (2010). Market segments based on the dominant movement patterns of tourists.Tourism management,31(4), 464-469.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Radical pesticide from Garongin Essay Essay Example
Radical pesticide from Garongin Essay Paper Abstraction Spices are merchandises of aromatic workss that grow chiefly in the Torrid Zones. The word â€Å"spices†besides includes merchandise that are more exactly called herbs. aromatic seeds or flavoring blends. Spices like Allium sativum ( Allium sativum ) . ginger ( Zingiber officinale ) . Piper nigrum ( Piper nigrum ) . onion ( Allium cepa ) has been the most common spice in our vicinity. A group of immature research workers were interested to set up a survey on what spices could lend to the day-to-day lives of the people. Their intent is to bring forth extremist pesticide from garongin and happen out if the pesticide produced is comparable to the commercial 1 in footings of efficaciously to kill plagues and a good beginning of an organic pesticide with an low-cost monetary value. particularly to the husbandmans which can barely afford the commercial 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Radical pesticide from Garongin Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Radical pesticide from Garongin Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Radical pesticide from Garongin Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The research workers prepared all the ingredients that were needed. They chopped the Allium sativum. sliced the onion. minced the ginger. and oppress the Piper nigrum into pulverization signifier. Then the spices were added into a glass of H2O and assorted it exhaustively. Last. the mixture was placed into a pesticide spray container. Garongin pesticide and the commercial one – specifically Malathion – has high quality but they differ in pertinence. The commercial pesticide is expensive. harmful to human. makes the dirt acidic and pollutes the land H2O while Garongin is inexpensive. environmental friendly and non-pollutant. The undertaking itself can be a merchandise of industry and resourcefulness of research workers in happening ways to devour spices and avoids fouling our environment.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
The Ongoing Struggle For A Family Essays - Gender, Human Sexuality
The Ongoing Struggle For A Family Essays - Gender, Human Sexuality The Ongoing Struggle For A Family The Ongoing Struggle for a Family The most important thing in a family is that all the people in it love each other. This excerpt is from a childrens book, written by Leslea Newman, Called Heather Has Two Mommies. This story is intended to show kids that not everyones family is the same. Many reasons are given to dispute gay and lesbian parenting but all founded on some of the archaic beliefs that Hitler used to kill homosexuals during W.W.II, fear and prejudice! Although having children and being parents seems like a basic human right or choice, many people believe that the government should have the authority to discriminate who can are cannot have children, regardless of their parenting skills. Some say that it is unnatural for gay and lesbians to have children because they have to go to such extremes to have them (Oppos ..199). It is kind of ironic because it has become mainstream for heterosexual couples that are determined infertile to use artificial insemination, adoption, and even invitro-fertilization, and when one of these procedures is successful the couple is said to have had a miracle, while the gay or lesbian couple is said to be fanatical. Lesbian couples may use sperm banks, or they may become coparents with a gay couple that also wishes to have children. In these cases the child has 4 loving and nurturing parents instead of the standard 2. Noom 2 Another opposing view is that all gays and lesbians are sexually promiscuous, therefore have HIV/AIDS, and their relationships are not stable enough to have children (Oppos..199). Lesbians and gays love and form deep and lasting commitments just like heterosexuals. To claim otherwise is to declare that lesbians and gays are somehow not human and ignore the reality of their lives, (New Civil..125) Laws and social views seem be conflicted on what they want because they say gay/lesbian relationships are not stable, but than deny them the right to marry, therefore through laws and legislation the are not promoting the behavior that they seem to require. HIV/AIDS is a horrible disease and truthfully is a major concern in the gay community, but it is because of the stereotypes, lack of education, and knowledge about the disease itself that this disease was able to attack many gay males. Although HIV/AIDS is a concern for people in general the number of lesbian women with it is almost non-existent. Does this mean that heterosexual couples that have HIV/AIDS are not having children? No, countless articles can be found about drug using prostitutes that give birth to a baby with HIV and still retains custody. While in 1997, a women named Sharon Bottoms loses her child in Virginia to her mother for being gay, active lesbianism practiced in the home may pose a burden upon the child by reason of Social Condemnation attached to such an arrangement the state Supreme Court stated (issues..36). All hope is not lost though, in June of 1997 an Ohio appeals court upheld that, sexual orientation alone, has no relevance to a decision concerning the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities, (Issues..37) Many people believe that gays and lesbians shouldnt have kids because the child will be molested and/or be mal adjusted as a youth and adult. Lesbians and gays are inherently sick and prey on children. Giving them custody of children opens those children up to sexual abuse. They cannot raise healthy children, (Oppos..199). Noom 3 The statistics certainly do not support these statements, Adults who sexually molest children are a diverse group. No one race, religion level of intelligence, level of education, occupation, or income sets perpetrators apart from the rest of the population, (New Civil.. 78). One thing is clear, most often a child molester is a heterosexual male who is acquainted with the victim (New Civil..78). Others believe that a child of a homosexual is most likely going to be a homosexual, and even if they are not they will have a hard time growing up due to the teasing and stereotypes of their classmates and community. Studies have proved these beliefs false, Although studies have assessed over 300 offspring of gay or lesbian parents in 12 different samples, no evidence has been found for significant disturbances of any kind in the development of sexual identity. they go on to say that, the same held true for moral development, intelligence, and peer relationships, (New Civil..132). Like all children, kids from gay and lesbian familys have
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Gross Writing Errors Found on the Web
Gross Writing Errors Found on the Web Gross Writing Errors Found on the Web Gross Writing Errors Found on the Web By Daniel Scocco Computers and the Internet are revolutionizing the way we create and share information. Through blogs, wikis and social networks, you can reach literally 1.2 billion of people without leaving your room. That being said, a little attention toward correct spelling and basic grammar rules couldnt hurt, right? Below you will find some curious, to say the least, errors that we gathered on the Web. You are the best mom in the hole world Maybe the person lives in a hole or something, but he probably wanted to say the whole world. The kids were very attentive because of the recent tsunami The apostrophe has a wide range of uses within the English language, but forming plurals is not one of them. The kids were very attentive. you might as well ask if less men enter nursing because there are less men in nursing Less men? Fewer men you mean! Less is used for uncountable things, like less sugar or less money. For plural things (countable), you must use fewer, like fewer cars. The stock market made further progress forward yesterday This one is coming from the New York Times (ouch!). Progress means to move forward or to develop, so progress forward is a redundancy, and should be avoided. Its like to say that something is absolutely essential took me around 1 hour and my cell ran out of credit) to resolve some minor (yet presistant) issues The issues were persistent, not presistant. The company provides solutions in the following specialty areas: information technology, proffesional services and direct hire/search This was found on a LinkedIn resume (ouch again!). Not sure how professional the services really are. the importance of the Internet and the roll it plays in our everyday lives The Internet plays a very important role, not roll, in our lives. These could of been handy because its easier to look at a more simple, less messy theme to understand how These could have been, not could of. Also, if something is more simple it is simpler. 1K should be sufficient for an ernest payment Ernest is a male name. The good-faith deposit used in real estate transactions is called earnest payment. make sure that each of these templates contain the same XHTML/HTML Each refers to singular subjects, and the verb must agree with the subject. Each of these templates contains. The nature of his illness had been kept quite and not many of the crew and cast had seen much of him in the intervening time The nature of his illness had been kept quiet (not â€Å"quite†). A friend will do whatever they can to lift you up when your down because they dont like to see there friend hurt Friends (not A friend) will do what ever they can. The pronoun must agree with its antecedent. When youre (not your) down. To see their (not there) friend. hes alot like a younger version robert horry, same height, long body This is a mistake that happens a lot (not alot) around the Internet. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Rules for Writing Numbers and NumeralsDo you "orient" yourself, or "orientate" yourself?12 Misunderstood and Misquoted Shakespearean Expressions
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Fans and their Diehard Spirit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Fans and their Diehard Spirit - Essay Example Fans and their Diehard Spirit Indeed even today millions go through the writings and the meanings and perceptions, that one can gather from Karl Marx engraved thoughts, can very much be likened to the crowd behaving at the NBA game. People differ in their perceptional qualities and attitudes and it is this difference, which the writer really wants to portray in the context of the NBA game. The writer has been quite successful in this process and allows the reader to very well project the human tendency, to view things differently under altering conditions and situations. It is very true that in one sense this renders a subtle effect, which helps the players to get on with the game. But fans and spectators who watch a game differ in their viewpoints based on what they see and believe. It is this inner reaction which is produced, that is very well exhibited by them, in the form of different kinds of emotions during the course of the game. In certain cases such emotionally charged up fans turn out to be fanatics, when their spirits burst out of them in the form of violent actions. In many cases where the fans have become fanatics, they lose control on their self and most of them indulge in activities, which cause harm to the surroundings. Indeed a very good example can be had from the incidences that happened during the course of the NBA game between the Boston Celtics versus Utah Jazz, which would give a very good perspective of the fans and their behavior during the course of the game.... But to sum it up it is really the fans that enliven any game, no matter which ever part of earth it is being played, that brings the true spirit of the game. Though the perceptions and their attitudes are totally different, the fans really crowd together and spend their valuable time to cheer up for their home teams. This very well show that people really club together as per their likes and also are more attached to their natives, than to the foreigners. In some cases it is this team spirit and the excessive fan spirit, which really spoils the games since there have been several past occasions of fans turning very rude and indulging in clashes. This is clearly revealed in the below lines that states â€Å"The filmmaker was even struck blurring the camera from taking clear shots of the event†. ( This above said human perceptions and the difference in attitudes bringing contrasting actions can be very much likened to the Karl Marx writings, which have the sam e effect on the reader even after so many years. Karl Marx People around the world perceive things differently because they are quite intrinsically different and are sure to hold different view points, about a certain thing that occurs in the world. This could be with regards to a particular object, a phenomenon occurring in nature or it could be any incidence that normally happens, in the course of the day today life. It is this difference in the view point or the perception of the individual human beings, which Karl Marx tries to bring out through his writings. It very well proves that the same terms, whatever it may be philosophical or any other word that may be used with regards to a particular context, could bring into picture one set
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Legacy leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Legacy leader - Essay Example A legacy leader knows that the success of the organization depends on the productive and heartfelt performance of the employees. It is all about motivating the members of the organization to serve its customers with warmth and enthusiasm. One remarkable example of a legacy leader in the hospitality industry is J. Willard Marriott. The leadership legacy of the father, J. Willard Marriott, was passed on to his son, J.W. ‘Bill’ Marriott (Burwash, 2008). Admired throughout the hospitality industry for his practical approach to leadership, J.W. Marriott has developed a reputable culture that focuses on the people and acknowledges the value they endow the organization with. He is a perfect example of a legacy leader because he emphasizes the importance of a positive employee culture. He also values diversity and continuously tries to build a multicultural workforce. He only wants the best for their customers. He embraces the doctrine of kindness, sympathy, and compassion. The hospitality industry, for an ideal legacy leader like J. Willard Marriott, is all about this
Friday, January 24, 2020
Five Burning Lights in a Dark Universe :: Women Feminism Rights Essays
Five Burning Lights in a Dark Universe The present just as the past did holds innumerable obstacles for women in search of a professional career. However, as a woman of the 20th century, I am glad to say that the obstacles have decreased through time thanks to the voices of courageous women who dare to talk when everyone else held silent. Many changes occur from the 17th century on, economically, politically and socially; the scientific revolution, the end of monarchy and absolute power, the emergence of democracy, and capitalism are only a few of those changes. This changes also brought changes in peoples attitudes, specially the attitude about women. Since the Greek times, society has underestimated women's potential. However, through history women have dared to challenge the world, and have spoken up to show the world that women are as capable, and talented as men. Aphra Behn, Anne Finch, Margaret Cavendish, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Mary Shelly are five of these women from the 17 and 19-century who dared to speak up, and raise their voices to let the whole world know about women's situation and solutions to it. Aphra Behn, born in 1640, was England's first professional woman writer. Behn was a middle-class widow who mainly wrote for TIME and CLEOS, in Greek or fame and fortune for us. In a time where women were suppose to be silent, pure, and in the private sphere or homes taking care of the children and their husbands, a woman dared to challenge society. Behn, challenged society not only by stepping into the public sphere, publishing her writings, but also by writing about women's feelings, desires, dreams and realities. Behn wrote great poetry and we can see her challenging ideas in the title of her poems most of the time, and this challenges become more obvious as we read her poems. "The Willing Mistress," was a vivid example of this, since in its verses Behn writes about a woman's sexual desires and wiliness to have sexual relations with a married man. We can also see a reflection of her ideas, in her speech titled "Mrs. Gwin," where she criticize the gender ideology of the time, and also exposes women's situation. She argues that no reason existed for men to prevent women from writing, governing and fighting, with the excuse that women were weak and inferior, because women have had done it before.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark Essay
I have chosen to evaluate a scene from Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indiana and Sallah uncover the Well of Soles where the lost ark is hidden. We open the scene at 57:03 with Indiana leading a team of diggers up a hill to the spot where they will dig for the ark. As the scene opens we hear the diegetic sounds of the diggers and commotion taking place in the background. We also hear non-diegetic music that will be referred to as the â€Å"ark theme†playing as Indiana climbs the hill and has his men start to dig for the ark. The slow and sort of creepy tone that makes up the ark theme reminds us of the continuing quest for the ark and also that the ark may very well be close by. At 58:00, the non-diegetic music briefly cuts for about four seconds but then picks up once again as Indiana turns around to whistle for his men to start digging. As the digging begins, the music picks up and gets louder and louder. The rise in the non-diegetic music builds the suspense and excitement of the scene and foreshadows the big discovery that lies ahead. At 58:26 the scene dissolves into a shot of the dig site from afar. Although the non-diegetic music ended, we pick up with the diegetic music or sound of the tune that the workers hum as they dig. We can also hear the diegetic sounds of the wind howling and we see the sun setting in the background showing us that a cold night is approaching. The coloring from the sun set gives the shot a feel that something great is about to happen yet provides a sense of mystery for those who don’t know what is to come. In this shot we cannot see a detailed view of our characters, rather just the shadows of the digging men and Indy. We are easily able to pick out Indy despite only being able to see character shadows simply because we see him put on his trademark hat which he is famous for wearing. At 58:44 the shot cuts to yet another shot of the digging site at night fall. Immediately we hear booms of thunder and strikes of lightening from an approaching storm which sets the tone of this portion of the scene. The thunder and lightning and building anticipation seem to foreshadow the discovery of the ark yet again, which we initially hink is a good thing, however, the dark and evil sounds of the storm represent bad things will eventually come from the ark and show us that in hindsight, the ark should not be disturbed. Anticipation continues to build as we hear more diegetic sounds of thunder and a spooky wind howling in the background. We see a shot of Indy and see the worried look on his face as the storm continues to approach. At 58:56 Sallah informs Indy that they hit stone and here we see an eyeline match from Indy leading to the next shot of the uncovered stone. As the workers continue to uncover the stone, the diegetic sounds continue. The lack of non-diegetic music emphasizes the roar of the thunder and helps the view focus on the big find that is about to occur. As the stone is lifted and the tomb is uncovered, we hear the diegetic sound of an animal howling in the background at 59:50. This gives the viewer a spooky feel of the tomb. At 59:55 we see and hear a stinger brought on by non-diegetic music. The thunder roars with a lightning strike which lights up the opening of the tomb which reveals a scary-looking creature with jagged teeth. As this is revealed the non-diegetic music spikes and Sallah shouts from being startled which all creates this stinger effect. The stinger also proves to be the cue that re-starts the creepy, non-diegetic music. After questioning the moving floor, at 1:00:15, the non-diegetic music spikes into a high pitch shriek, as Indy drops his torch. The non-diegetic music lowers to a creepy tone once again but then spikes into a high pitch flute sound at 1:00:22 as the camera pans over the creepy view of the snakes. The non-diegetic music continues into a low-pitch brass sound which continues to provide a creepy feel but also foreshadows the evil that lies ahead. At 1:00:42 the camera lifts back to Indy as he rolls over and delivers his famous line; â€Å"Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes? †Sallah then crawls over to Indy and at 1:00:59, Sallah utters over the non-diegetic music, â€Å"Asps. Very dangerous. You go first! †This line then cues the diegetic sounds of a snake rattling and a loud boom of thunder which cues the end of the scene. Throughout this four minute clip, there are tons of diegetic sounds and a lot of non-diegetic music. The sounds and music play a huge roll in this scene as it builds emotion for the find of the Well of Soles yet foreshadows the danger and adventure that lies ahead in the remainder of the film.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Study Guide for Albert Camuss The Fall
Delivered by a sophisticated, outgoing, yet often suspicious narrator, Albert Camus’s The Fall employs a format that is rather uncommon in world literature. Like novels such as Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground, Sartre’s Nausea, and Camus’s own The Stranger, The Fall is set up as a confession by a complicated main characterâ€â€in this case, an exiled French lawyer named Jean-Baptiste Clamence. But The Fallâ€â€unlike these famous first-person writingsâ€â€is actually a second-person novel. Clamence directs his confession at a single, well-defined listener, a â€Å"you†character who accompanies him (without ever speaking) for the duration of the novel. In the opening pages of The Fall, Clamence makes this listener’s acquaintance in a seedy Amsterdam bar known as Mexico City, which entertains â€Å"sailors of all nationalities†(4). Summary In the course of this initial meeting, Clamence playfully notes the similarities between him and his new companion: â€Å"You are my age in a way, with the sophisticated eye of a man in his forties who has seen everything, in a way; you are well dressed in a way, that is as people are in our country; and your hands are smooth. Hence a bourgeois, in a way! But a cultured bourgeois!†(8-9). However, there is much about Clamence’s identity that remains uncertain. He describes himself as â€Å"a judge-penitent,†yet doesn’t provide an immediate explanation of this uncommon role. And he omits key facts from his descriptions of the past: â€Å"A few years ago I was a lawyer in Paris and, indeed, a rather well-known lawyer. Of course, I didn’t tell you my real name†(17). As a lawyer, Clamence had defended poor clients with difficult cases, including criminals. His social life had been full of satisfactionsâ€â€respect from his colleagues, affair s with many womenâ€â€and his public behavior had been scrupulously courteous and polite. As Clamence sums up this earlier period: â€Å"Life, its creatures and its gifts, offered themselves to me, and I accepted such marks of homage with a kindly pride†(23). Eventually, this state of security began to break down, and Clamence traces his increasingly dark state of mind to a few specific life events. While in Paris, Clamence had an argument with â€Å"a spare little man wearing spectacles†and riding a motorcycle (51). This altercation with the motorcyclist alerted Clamence to the violent side of his own nature, while another experienceâ€â€an encounter with a â€Å"slim young woman dressed in black†who committed suicide by throwing herself off a bridgeâ€â€filled Clamence with a sense of â€Å"irresistible weakness (69-70). During an excursion to the Zuider Zee, Clamence describes the more advanced stages of his â€Å"fall.†At first, he began to feel intense turmoil and pangs of disgust with life, although â€Å"for some time, my life continued outwardly as if nothing had changed†(89). He then took turned to â€Å"alcohol and women†for comfortâ€â€yet only found temporary solace (103). Clamence expands upon his philosophy of life in the final chapter, which takes place in his own lodgings. Clamence recounts his disturbing experiences as a World War II prisoner of war, lists his objections to commonplace notions of law and freedom, and reveals the depth of his involvement in the Amsterdam underworld. (It turns out that Clamence keeps a famous stolen paintingâ€â€The Just Judges by Jan van Eyckâ€â€in his apartment.) Clamence has resolved to accept lifeâ€â€and to accept his own fallen, immensely flawed natureâ€â€but has also resolved to share his troubling insights with anyone who will listen. In the final pages of The Fall, he reveals that his new profession of â€Å"judge-penitent†involves â€Å"indulging in public confession as often as possible†in order to acknowledge, judge, and do penance for his failings (139). Background and Contexts Camus’s Philosophy of Action: One of Camus’s greatest philosophical concerns is the possibility that life is meaninglessâ€â€and the need (in spite of this possibility) for action and self-assertion. As Camus wrote in his tract The Myth of Sisyphus (1942), philosophical discourse â€Å"was previously a question of finding out whether or not life had to have a meaning to be lived. It now becomes clear on the contrary that it will be lived all the better if it has no meaning. Living an experience, a particular fate, is accepting it fully.†Camus then goes on to declare that â€Å"one of the only coherent philosophical positions is thus revolt. It is constant confrontation between man and his own obscurity.†Even though the Myth of Sisyphus is a classic of French Existentialist philosophy and a central text for understanding Camus, The Fall (which, after all, appeared in 1956) should not merely be taken as a fictional re-working of The Myth of Sisyphus. Cl amence does revolt against his life as a Paris lawyer; however, he retreats from society and tries to find specific â€Å"meanings†in his actions in a manner that Camus might not have endorsed. Camus’s Background in Drama: According to literary critic Christine Margerrison, Clamence is a â€Å"self-proclaimed actor†and The Fall itself is Camus’s â€Å"greatest dramatic monologue.†At several points in his career, Camus worked simultaneously as a playwright and a novelist. (His plays Caligula and The Misunderstanding appeared in the mid 1940sâ€â€the same period that saw the publication of Camus’s novels The Stranger and The Plague. And in the 1950s, Camus both wrote The Fall and worked on theater adaptations of novels by Dostoevsky and William Faulkner.) However, Camus was not the only mid-century author who applied his talents to both theater and the novel. Camus’s Existentialist colleague Jean-Paul Sartre, for instance, is famous for his novel Nausea and for his plays The Flies and No Exit. Another of the greats of 20th century experimental literatureâ€â€Irish author Samuel Beckettâ€â€created novels that read a little like â€Å"dramatic monologues†(Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable) as well as oddly-structured, character-driven plays (Waiting for Godot, Krapp’s Last Tape). Amsterdam, Travel, and Exile: Although Amsterdam is one of Europe’s centers of art and culture, the city takes on a rather sinister character in The Fall. Camus scholar David R. Ellison has found several references to disturbing episodes in Amsterdam’s history: first, The Fall reminds us that â€Å"the commerce linking Holland to the Indies included trade not just in spices, foodstuffs, and aromatic wood, but also in slaves; and second, the novel takes place after â€Å"the years of World War II in which the Jewish population of the city (and of the Netherlands as a whole) was subject to persecution, deportation, and ultimate death in Nazi prison camps.†Amsterdam has a dark history, and exile to Amsterdam allows Clamence to face his own unpleasant past. Camus declared in his essay â€Å"The Love of Life†that â€Å"what gives value to travel is fear. It breaks down a kind of inner dà ©cor in us. We can’t cheat any moreâ€â€hide ourselves away behind the hours in the office or at the plant.†By going into living abroad and breaking his earlier, soothing routines, Clamence is forced to contemplate his deeds and face his fears. Key Topics Violence and Imagination: Although there is not much open conflict or violent action directly displayed in The Fall, Clamence’s memories, imaginings, and turns of imagery add violence and viciousness to the novel. After an unpleasant scene during a traffic jam, for instance, Clamence imagines pursuing a rude motorcyclist, â€Å"overtaking him, jamming his machine against the curb, taking him aside, and giving him the licking he had fully deserved. With a few variations, I ran off this little film a hundred times in my imagination. But it was too late, and for several days I chewed a bitter resentment†(54). Violent and disturbing fantasies help Clamence to communicate his dissatisfaction with the life he leads. Late in the novel, he compares his feelings of hopeless and perpetual guilt to a special kind of torture: â€Å"I had to submit and admit my guilt. I had to live in the little-ease. To be sure, you are not familiar with that dungeon cell that was called the litt le-ease in the Middle Ages. In general, one was forgotten there for life. That cell was distinguished from others by ingenious dimensions. It was not high enough to stand up in nor yet wide enough to lie down in. One had to take an awkward manner and live on the diagonal†(109). Clamence’s Approach to Religion: Clamence does not define himself as a religious man. However, references to God and Christianity play a major part in Clamence’s manner of speakingâ€â€and help Clamence to explain his changes in attitude and outlook. During his years of virtue and altruism, Clamence took Christian kindliness to grotesque proportions: â€Å"A very Christian friend of mine admitted that one’s initial feeling on seeing a beggar approach one’s house is unpleasant. Well, with me it was worse: I used to exult†(21). Eventually, Clamence finds yet another use for religion that is admittedly awkward and inappropriate. During his fall, the lawyer made references â€Å"to God in my speeches before the court†â€â€a tactic that â€Å"awakened mistrust in my clients†(107). But Clamence also uses the Bible to explain his insights about human guilt and suffering. For him, Sin is part of the human condition, and even Christ on the cross is a figure of guilt: â€Å"He knew he was not altogether innocent. If he did not bear the weight of the crime he was accused of, he had committed othersâ€â€even though he didn’t know which ones†(112). Clamence’s Unreliability: At several points in The Fall, Clamence acknowledges that his words, actions, and apparent identity are of questionable validity. Camus’s narrator is very good at playing different, even dishonest roles. Describing his experiences with women, Clamence notes that â€Å"I played the game. I knew they didn’t like one to reveal one’s purpose too quickly. First, there had to be conversation, fond attentions, as they say. I wasn’t worried about speeches, being a lawyer, nor about glances, having been an amateur actor during my military service. I often changed parts, but it was always the same play†(60). And later in the novel, he asks a series of rhetorical questionsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"Don’t lies eventually lead to the truth? And don’t all my stories, true or false, tend toward the same conclusion?†â€â€before concluding that â€Å"authors of confessions write especially to avoid confessing, to tell no thing of what they know†(119-120). It would be wrong to assume that Clamence has given his listener nothing but lies and fabrications. Yet it is possible that he is freely mixing lies and truth to create a convincing â€Å"act†â€â€that he strategically using a persona to obscure particular facts and feelings. A Few Discussion Questions Do you think that Camus and Clamence have similar political, philosophical, and religious beliefs? Are there any major differencesâ€â€and if so, why do you think Camus decided to create a character whose views are so at odds with his own?In some important passages in The Fall, Clamence introduces violent images and intentionally shocking opinions. Why do you think Clamence is dwelling on such disconcerting topics? How is his willingness to make his listener uneasy tied to his role as a â€Å"judge-penitent?†Exactly how reliable is Clamence, in your opinion? Does he ever seem to exaggerate, to obscure the truth, or to introduce obvious falsehoods? Find a few passages where Clamence seems especially elusive or unreliable, and keep in mind that Clamence may become significantly more (or significantly less) reliable from passage to passage.Re-imagine The Fall told from a different perspective. Would Camus’s novel be more effective as a first-person account by Clamence, without a listener? As a straightforward, third-person description of Clamence’s life? Or is The Fall supremely effective in its present form? Note on Citations: All page numbers refer to Justin OBriens translation of The Fall (Vintage International, 1991).
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